can someone PLEASE help me i have an about 7 week old plant that has stopped growing

it is alll stem and leaves at the moment it has a couple of problems
this is my first grow so i really need help

i have it surounded by 4 cfl lights 2 warm whites and 2 cool whites
i water it every other day with about a water bottle of water i ONLY use bottled water
all its life exept for the very beggining i have given it 12/12 light
it is in organic soil and i am giving it fertalizer that mixes with water its mirical grow
i transplanted it about 3 weeks ago into an about 6 gallon thing
now it has stopped growing the leaves that sprout from the side where the branches meet the stem are growing but it has completely stopped growing upwards witch means no new leaves on the top, this is all i have done and it was working alright for a while now it has just stopped growing upward please help!!!


check heat if it's over 75-80 it could be stunted i had to deal with that when i brought cfls in and put the right next to the leaves
def is bro i have all my vents closed so it gets warm in my room and i leave the door where its at closed for a couple of hours then i open the door and i have a fan on that hits it pretty well so it gets ventilation


id get a thermometer right in the base of your plant see what temp it is right in the bush to make sure i had that problem and i moved my hps up about a foot and my plant started growing like double as fast and lowered the temp by the plant dramatically
alright ill do that
i have 2 cfl's right above it like 2inch. from the top and the other 2 are at the side like about 8 inch away from the sides
im bummed out though cuz its been like a month and a half if not more and its tall but mostly leaves and stem idk if its a male but i hope i get SOMETHING from it i dont know how long it will take though

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Sounds like your plant is locked out from too much fertilizer. Plus over watering can cause root rot and water every other day is too much. Also your new pot is too big. The roots try to fill in the dirt while the growth stops above the ground level. I dont even start to fertilize until my plants are 7-8 weeks old and overwatering can cause root rot and other root bound problems. I would plant in something smaller then 6 gals. Then I would let the soil dry until the pot feels light when you pick it up. Then flush with 3 times as much water as the size of the pot. Then water only for a while.