Can the Sex of a Clone be Different Than the Mother Plant?


So, I recently took clones from 3 good looking 28" Carmelicious Plants and have a newb question.

My clones have been through a lot of stress changing from an aeroponics cloning system to a humidity dome / heat mat setup. So I'm just curious if the clones could show up male when testing for plant sex immediately after rooting... even if the parent plant is really a female? I don't want to throw away a legit female plant because i put too much stress on it's clone (turning it male).

Hopefully that makes sense, any advise would be great!


Well-Known Member
they should all be the same sex as the parent because they are the same plant, you might get a hermy from the stress but i wouldnt think so..


Well-Known Member
So, I recently took clones from 3 good looking 28" Carmelicious Plants and have a newb question.

My clones have been through a lot of stress changing from an aeroponics cloning system to a humidity dome / heat mat setup. So I'm just curious if the clones could show up male when testing for plant sex immediately after rooting... even if the parent plant is really a female? I don't want to throw away a legit female plant because i put too much stress on it's clone (turning it male).

Hopefully that makes sense, any advise would be great!
It is impossible for the plant to become male when taken from a female plant. The chromosomes will ALWAYS be XX & not XY (male chromosome) but as mentioned above, if you stress your plant out too much you will induce the hermaphroditic condition because the plant thinks it isn't going to not have enough time to produce seeds before the optimal pollination period is over. In this stress it produces male tendencies to produce seeds & carry on it's line. If your clone does herm then trash the clone & start over but if you don't see any balls then continue on the path of righteousness & don't repeat your mistakes.


pollen sacs and bud if u see one get it out of room quick if u have more plants
I have my clones flowering in one room, and the mother plants locked in a vegetative state next door ;)

Can a herm clone plant make the other clones herms as well? If so, how quickly?


Well-Known Member
I have a plant from a herm seed and so far shes pure female and I'm stoked because she looks real good my post is called Homer's Guide To The Universe because she's a Dbl D two towers of lovin.