Can these plants be sexed yet??


New Member
Hi, I have a few plants growing outside. I think there starting to go into the reproductive stage now but I can't tell if they are able to be sexed yet. Here are some pictures... There somewhat blurry so I don't know if you can actually tell the sex but hopefully it shows enough to tell if the plants are at that stage
Thanks for any advise :)



Staff member
as far as i can tell there is no sex, and it is most likely too early, in the mean time, practice using macro and focus on your camera for when you do need to show us :D


Well-Known Member
My newb eyes say they are all male's..........joking can't really tell from those pic's good luck hope they turn out to be female's


Well-Known Member
Rather than starting a new thread I thought I would add a photo myself to see if this is sexy yet or if it's just too early to tell. Bagseed here, the broad leafs suggest some form of indica to me :)

This is not my main grow, this is just a plant :)



Well-Known Member
If they're growing outside unless they're autoflowers why would they be showing signs of sex? It's mid summer and no where near a 12/12 equinox wherever you are, is it????


Well-Known Member
Can't see anything yet.... outdoor grow. Don't know where you are or when the flowering season will start for you.

Just for fun
If you want to know. M or F or other.... take a clone. As soon as it's well rooted. Put it to flower. 12/12
In about 5-10 days you should have your answer.