Can u flush a plant n the ground


Some one put weed killer all in my yard but sprayed not on but close to my plant. Can I flush it like many times or is it point less because it's outside? It has bout 3 weeks to go. Wondering if i could just extra nute it. IDK just Pissed either way.


Well-Known Member
hmm...I'd say if you try to "flush" it it might backfire sucking the weed killer ingredients into the area that your MJ roots are, but at the same time you would also be diluting the concentration of weed interesting question indeed...I guess one question would be which way do you think water would flow through your soil? And is it dry or wet soil at the moment?

I suppose if lets say your grow was on an incline and the area sprayed with weed killer was lower than your MJ plant, and your soil was dry, you could theoretically hook up a hose probably 3-4 feet "up" the hill from your plant and just turn it on and let it go...this might work if the soil is dry in the lower area so that the water would be pulled through your MJ plant soil into the dry lower area...

Fuck I don't know...*shrug*


Well-Known Member
oh oh if its just a surface spray that was done recently you could take a high powered nozzle and spray it away from your beauties before it gets the chance to leach in the soil...Just try to not directly aim it down into the soil pushing it down in, like stick it right down at ground level spraying directly away from the plant...*shrug*


Active Member
Thumbs up for the cool ground filtering idea. I would have just turned the hose on for it for a couple minutes.


Well-Known Member
you most cerently can flush an outside plant, i'v done it sucessfuly many times in the past from rook mistakes.........but you will need a shit ton of water...i found that useing 10gal's per plant works great...but dont pour it on all at need to be administered in about a 20 to 30min period.......if you feel the need for an extra flush....wait atleast 2 days befor doing it again.......i wouldnt recomment doing it more then twice in such a short amout of time