Can u get seeds off a male plant??


Active Member
yes, you can get male or female seeds from a male plant.
only seed and no bud though.:blsmoke:


No, seeds are formed when the pollen from a male is transfered to the stigma of a female and them travels down style to the ovule and then produces seeds, hermie or inter-sexual plants with both male and female flowers can self and produce seed also but the seeds will also be inter-sexual...a full male plant will not get seeded as it has no ovules but has completely different sex organs......that's the same as asking if a human man can get pregnant....


Active Member
oh really?
then why is it that i have grown FEMALE mothers from male seeds off one of my male plants? hmmm....


just tell your friend to get a book on horticulture and read about dioecious plants...your friend is wrong a male flower can not produce seed, there is no ovule in a male flower to take place, there would have to be some female flowers on the plant to produce seed, and then it would not be a male plant it would be inter-sexual....


Active Member
ok i take it back my bad.
i forgot it was a hermie lol.
god im ripped.
sorry for the mix up i wasnt thinking, my imind isa in the wrong place.
im waayyyy fucked up lol:blsmoke:


ok i take it back my bad.
i forgot it was a hermie lol.
god im ripped.
sorry for the mix up i wasnt thinking, my imind isa in the wrong place.
im waayyyy fucked up lol:blsmoke:

lol...that's must be smoking some hash......:hump::hump::hump:... i love hash...:mrgreen: