can u smoke undeveloped buds off of a plant?


and actually have an effect on you? all my guys are out on supply and im desperate for a buzz . i dont think it will work but this is the site to bring up the question.. thanks guys

p.s. this is my second time growing:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
can u see tricho on it then it can get u high. it wiil just be an undeveloped high. kind of trippy in the head


Well-Known Member
you CAN smoke premature buds, just like you CAN smoke leafs, stems and seeds. the question is, is it really worth all the time and effort you put into this plant to be sneeking tastes of the buds?


and how would i go about drying it??? i've got many plants so a couple little buds isnt gonna hurt me that much...


Active Member
thrichomes are the thc containing part of the bud... or the secreating gland ..... or the crystal resin part.
the point is why would u want to take a tiny bud off to smoke..... when u can wait for it to get huge? a little bud now ... great bud latter?


Well-Known Member
small premie nugs just lay on the window sill, they usually dry hella fast, but i mean if your that desperate. i would make some keef from old shwag, but thats just me....


Well-Known Member
Yah you can, I dont know why you would though as you wont feel barely anything depending on how "done" it is


Yah you can, I dont know why you would though as you wont feel barely anything depending on how "done" it is
its pretty close to harvest time. like i said im just desperate lol..i have way more plants that are doing great a few nugs arent gonna hinder my operation.. thanks guys your the shit!!!


Well-Known Member
i think the best way to quick dry a sample is in a cigar box. it leaves the bud with a little woody taste, but it should be dry and smokeable over night


Active Member
But are you asking us the permission to do it? Because you seem like you rly need to do it so... just do it. Its your stuff so... do what ya want!!! :P Hope it helped!