can u switch a 12/12 back to 24/7?


Active Member
Long story short I had two plants who turned out to be males so I got rid of them and found someone who could hook up clones. Me being so impatient I decided to put them on 12/12 that first day but when I got the clone they already had a really good root system. I'm just wondering if i put them on 24/7 light to make them bigger if it will fuck up the clone and possibly make it a hermie or something. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
yeah depends on how long they were on 12/12 a few weeks yeah..just gonna take them a month or longer to completely go back into veg mode


Well-Known Member
yeah you can switch it..but it will have to go back into veg mode..possible stress it out a lil so it may slow the growth abig


Active Member
god damnit im just gonna wait i guess, im gettin 2 more WF and 2 more clones so I'll veg those out for a week or two than flower, but also know that they came pre rooted


Well-Known Member
i have took a bud with stem off at 9 weeks to save the strain. took 4 months to reveg back, but worth it for me!


Active Member
o god damn haha I think I'll just flower these for a couple months, get what I can than do it again but next time around probably veg for a a couple weeks. Anyone use DutchMaster Gold before?