Can yall even understand the situation were about to face??

dont think that humans have powers and abilitys already?... we were born with them... but that which you do not use or practice... you will surely lose.

Personally, I pay more attention to the abilities that people have managed to cultivate, like being able to spell, or to construct a rational argument based on factual evidence, that kind of thing.

All you "the aliens are coming" guys need to get together with the "Jeebus is coming" guys and fight it out between yourselves.
All you "the aliens are coming" guys need to get together with the "Jeebus is coming" guys and fight it out between yourselves.

Lol. That made me bust out laughing.

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe it has to do with 2012 being an Election year? Also did you know that the exact day in 2012 it says? Dec. 21st? Did you know that their is a Roman Catholic Prophicey named all the popes that would come and the current Pope is the last one? Thier are other religous folk who also have prophiceys ending toward the later part of 2012. Maybe it has something to do with Relegion or politics?

I personally feel that nothing is going to happen. Here's hoping maybe that will be the time that Marujiana is legalized! That would be a world changing event!
Its kinda amazing that u guys have a blog about 2012, i have done research about it, and i ran across many things about 2012, many people say is the end of the world but it wont be cuz the world will always be here but it could be the end of US the humans because earth has regenerated it self from many past catrastophies so the earth will be here unless it gets sucked up by a black whole but any ways.

I was a lil bit afraid because i am a mexican so it must run in my blood that i had a calling about this 2012 date, i had always had a urge to look for more information to come up with my own conclusions, personally im not afraid anymore the only thing i wanna do is be more with my family and get in touch with my self cuz if we do die that wouldnt be the end cuz that would be just de begining, we r spiritual beigns going thru a human experience.

David Wilcock is basically the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce and do u research about him, he also has a website he talks about 2012 and whats going to happen and he dosnt talk about the end of the world but the begining of a golden age, he talks about global warming, he says that its not really us whos causing this but the sun and an energy wave that we r passing thru thats making earth weather changes and not only earth but also Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Its just amazing all the things he says, thanx to him im not afraid of it anymore, i just wanna chill and kick back with my friends and family, but you know what makes me more happier is that at the end of 2012 we all we having acended abilities such as Telepathy, Time travel, levitation, Telekenesis and all thos great things like the superheroes, cuz we have 12 strands of DNA and we r only using 2 or so and the rest is called junk DNA but its not junk its what makes us who we are but we dont have them activated YET and after 2012 they will be activated. Well you guys can also go to youtube and search David Wilcock 2012 the bright side and he will have everything scientifically explain. u can smoke a blunt of some good dro and listen to what he has to say and come up with ur own conclusions, there r more than 10 videos about this topic so i hope you guys enjoy them and by the way on November friday the 13 there will be a movie called 2012 with Nicolas Cage.

Well brothas and sitas have a wonderful day!!!
Sorry I vote worst thread ever. But I'm voting u best stash around cause that shit was like wow.

2012- we will still be getting reamed by a black man on a reparation spree lookin to get even with white fresh from whitey re electing the fool. And if we end up with any other previous runners (palin mccain clinton) were fucked anyway. Aquarius is way off base with the shit were gonna be lookin at by then.
Sorry I vote worst thread ever. But I'm voting u best stash around cause that shit was like wow.

2012- we will still be getting reamed by a black man on a reparation spree lookin to get even with white fresh from whitey re electing the fool. And if we end up with any other previous runners (palin mccain clinton) were fucked anyway. Aquarius is way off base with the shit were gonna be lookin at by then.

You really do see in black and white. Pathetic.