Can you believe this shit (of course you can)


Well-Known Member
A woman in Arizona made the brave choice this week, to make a very private loss — a miscarriage — into a public discussion, in the hopes that her story can save other women from what she went through at her local Walgreens. The pharmacist there refused to fill the prescription required to help her end her pregnancy, citing moral objections, even though her fetus no longer had a heartbeat.

Because of a previous miscarriage, her doctor was closely monitoring her, Nicole Arteaga explained on Facebook. But on Tuesday, two months into her pregnancy, he discovered there was no fetal development or heartbeat and said she could either have a surgical D&C (dilation and curettage) procedure at the hospital or take prescription medication at home to induce contractions. When she went to pick up her medication, the pharmacist refused to give it to her.

“I stood at the mercy of this pharmacist explaining my situation in front of my 7-year-old, and five customers standing behind only to be denied because of his ethical beliefs,” Arteaga wrote. “I get it we all have our beliefs. But what he failed to understand is this isn’t the situation I had hoped for, this isn’t something I wanted. This is something I have zero control over. He has no idea what it’s like to want nothing more than to carry a child to full term and be unable to do so. If you have gone thru a miscarriage you know the pain and emotional roller it can be.”

The prescription Arteaga was trying to fill was for Misoprostol, which is commonly used to terminate pregnancies, prepare the cervix for insertion of an IUD, or treat stomach ulcers. Pharmacists have been known to refuse to give women this medication, as well as prescriptions for over-the-counter emergency contraception pills, because of their anti-abortion beliefs.

Where the fuck does this pharmacist get the right to overrule a doctor?

This is bullshit, and I'm going to contact Walgreens and tell them that their policies are against my policies, and will never have a scrip filled at their pharmacy again, which I had previously used.

All I can say is that pharmacist is very lucky that was not my wife, or I would have fucked him up, bigly.
I've said it a few days ago in another thread, we are in a civil war right now. Look at society and how people treat each other and convince me we aren't at war.

Maybe that pharmacist should find a different job that suits his beliefs? Hopefully he'll be out of a job soon.
The culture war is nothing new. The left has laughed it off until they begin to feel the sting of loss. While I don't agree with the pharmacist, she may be better suited to work at the Red Hen.
A woman in Arizona made the brave choice this week, to make a very private loss — a miscarriage — into a public discussion, in the hopes that her story can save other women from what she went through at her local Walgreens. The pharmacist there refused to fill the prescription required to help her end her pregnancy, citing moral objections, even though her fetus no longer had a heartbeat.

Because of a previous miscarriage, her doctor was closely monitoring her, Nicole Arteaga explained on Facebook. But on Tuesday, two months into her pregnancy, he discovered there was no fetal development or heartbeat and said she could either have a surgical D&C (dilation and curettage) procedure at the hospital or take prescription medication at home to induce contractions. When she went to pick up her medication, the pharmacist refused to give it to her.

“I stood at the mercy of this pharmacist explaining my situation in front of my 7-year-old, and five customers standing behind only to be denied because of his ethical beliefs,” Arteaga wrote. “I get it we all have our beliefs. But what he failed to understand is this isn’t the situation I had hoped for, this isn’t something I wanted. This is something I have zero control over. He has no idea what it’s like to want nothing more than to carry a child to full term and be unable to do so. If you have gone thru a miscarriage you know the pain and emotional roller it can be.”

The prescription Arteaga was trying to fill was for Misoprostol, which is commonly used to terminate pregnancies, prepare the cervix for insertion of an IUD, or treat stomach ulcers. Pharmacists have been known to refuse to give women this medication, as well as prescriptions for over-the-counter emergency contraception pills, because of their anti-abortion beliefs.

Where the fuck does this pharmacist get the right to overrule a doctor?

This is bullshit, and I'm going to contact Walgreens and tell them that their policies are against my policies, and will never have a scrip filled at their pharmacy again, which I had previously used.

All I can say is that pharmacist is very lucky that was not my wife, or I would have fucked him up, bigly.

First of all, that was a HIPAA violation. No one should have to stand and discuss their reason for the medication..ANY medication. IT'S AGAINST PATIENT PRIVACY LAW. The person who chose 'ethical violation' was not supposed to have said ANYTHING to ANYONE and defer to another to fill the prescription. PERIOD. They give you that medication when a young fetus dies to bring on your period as it's not only for abortion. That pharmacy girl from the 1800's who got her 15 minutes by not dispensing is going to rue the day.

Schuylaar's Takeaway: Completely mishandled; Lawsuit pending..Customer will own that Walgreen's when all is said and done.

Let me guess..Mariposa County?
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it's just gonna keep getting more and more ugly

those on the left tend to be's alien to scream shame! shame! but we're getting used to it.. it's the only thing they seem to understand..crass screaming. otherwise they're oblivious..they don't read between the lines well. its more animal like.
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if i was a trump supporter i would not wear trump or maga gear to a public restaurant.

that's just asking for all kinds of spit in your food.

believe it or not..they don't get that- they wear that hat with pride..but now we're going to shame them..schuylaar is buying a shame bell that she will ring every time she says 'shame'.
believe it or not..they don't get that- they wear that hat with pride..but now we're going to shame them..schuylaar is buying a shame bell that she will ring every time she says 'shame'.
please don't talk in the third person. You cray cray enough as it is

ummm yes
