• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

can you geniuses explain why america gave away its industry to its supposed enemy?

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Active Member
the unilaterally controlled media, and pop culture would have us believe its the saudi's and their control of oil, the recession, or china's industrial gains are to blame for america's economical perils. However, if this were true, which im sure in part it is, then why did america sign away its industry to china with the gatt treaty. basically, the treaty made it so that all of america's production capacity be moved to china, AT THE EXPENSE OF THE AMERICAN TAX PAYER. so, why would your "leaders" willing wreck and gut your economy? are they your leaders? is it really about obama, bush, clinton, or santa clause? or am i pissing in the wind.

why dont i ever hear this being discussed on the news, or anywhere where political discussion takes place? its rather simple, america's economy is poop because they dont have n economy, america is essentially a money vacuum.

i hate you all, thanks.


Well-Known Member
The sad but true fact is that this economic crisis was not the cause of our outsourcing, but rather a huge combination of things most of which can best be described as someone found a multiplayer hack in the economy, a way to make a ton of money quickly stayin in bounds but a hack none the less, which led to everyone jumping on board with no thought about tomorrow and led to the collapse once the money got spred too thin. THe sad part is those same individuals who destroyed our economy are getting rich fixing it since they are the only "experts" in the field. They cashed out on time when nobody else did. Yes China and India and Middle Eastern Oil would destroy our way of life, which could explain the end of the world grab everything you want mentality that led to our countries financial collapse. But none of them caused it. It was us the whole time. Soylent green was people.
"You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell! " Planet of the Apes



Well-Known Member
The reason we gave it away was that it was some individuals in the US who owned big companies and could afford lobbiests decided it would be much cheaper if we paid foreign wages to produce goods. So C&H sugar taught other people how to grow sugar and now none of it is grown in C or H. It hurt local economies but made the bottom line look better which got them more money in bonuses or stock options. So since it worked so well in the 80s they decided that making it work MORE would make the company MORE MONEY and thus give the individuals in charge MORE MONEY. So everyone started doing it and the lobbiests were paid to make it more and more legal which meant it had to be utilized to the extent of the market and resulted in creating an unsustainable culture which had its consumers unable to afford its own products. That very well would have killed our economy eventually.. luckily we fucked it up first. :) Given our culture after the 80s any one of us would probly have done the same thing they did in the same circumstances. I'm sure they told themselves they were grabbing fruits from a rotting tree for their familys to survive, when in reality they were butchering the tree to eat at the expense of their future generations.


Well-Known Member
remember NAFTA .. i know you remember GATT.you are correct about the crooks in washington taking pay offs to pass NAFTA and GATT..lets not forget permanent most favored trade status with china.


Well-Known Member
uh..NAFTA AND GATT AND PMFNTS to china were all passed under a dem president . NAFTA was passed by clinton and a dem congress.
their next hat trick is to legalize tens of millions of people in this country who came here breaking the law. they are rewarding illegals for breaking the law.
many of our congressmen and obamas admin officials do not even pay their tax's . none of them go to jail or get fined for it'
our republic is finished off by the progressives.weno longer live in a republic.
these progressives think rights come from them. ive heard them say so on TV recently.
i got news for these idiots RIGHTS COME FROM GOD and progressives are not GOD. i dont care what some idiot thinks obama is messiah .


New Member
i got news for these idiots RIGHTS COME FROM GOD and progressives are not GOD. i dont care what some idiot thinks obama is messiah .
Let's not bring God into this. Things are messed up enough by the dems and repukes.

The last thing we need are "story books" like the Bible, Koran, Torah, etc. influencing our lives. :roll:


Well-Known Member
bushs fugged us..........
bush jr didnt do shit, hes just a pupet. maybe all the presidents are/have been

in my opinion its our country's addiction to oil thats fugging us over. we use more oil than any other country, and our military uses most of that. i think right now everthing wrong with our economy, and especally this bull shit "war on terror" is an ilaborate scheeme to make sure we have a stake on the last of the oil in the word.

just think of oil as heroin and the usa as a junkie; a junkie will kill, steal and lie just so they can make sure they can get their fix


Well-Known Member
the comanays had cheeper labor over seas, so they closed there doors an went were the profit was. In the cold war days we had laws about doing buisness like this with countries that were opressive.

This an all gov stuff had to be usa made an the military was about 4 times larger.

These laws prolly were changed by lobbiest who represented the companys an countries who stood to make more more money this way. And it helped the gov budget to have things make overseas.

Its very sad to see what has happend to my contry in the last 30 yrs, shamefull. Why were they allowed to sell out soverenty for a few $$$$$$? Becauese we wanted out products cheep.


Well-Known Member
We have been intentially deindustrialized by both parties. I think we are suppose to be converting to a service/information economy. I have yet to figure out what jobs that is suppose to bring, kinda like the green jobs.


Well-Known Member
We have been intentionally deindustrialized by both parties. I think we are suppose to be converting to a service/information economy. I have yet to figure out what jobs that is suppose to bring, kinda like the green jobs.
there is a vision of the future we all know very well. we've seen images of it for ages, it is the "world of the future". it's clean and it's green and everyone has everything they need. war and pestilence have been eradicated, famine is a thing of the past, hatred and bigotry are distant memories, and it is a lie. it's a beautiful lie, but a lie nonetheless. most of us realize that disney's tomorrow-land is fantasy, that 2001 and star trek are just entertainment, but it's hard to let go of the dream. those of us that grew up watching the jetsons or buck rogers secretly yearn for that world of robots to take care of our troublesome chores and technology to do away with the minor inconveniences of life and our culture of immediate gratification leads us to believe that it is all within our grasp. after all, this is the greatest nation on earth. if not us, then who?

the political animals that feed off of the public's teat certainly aren't going to do anything to burst that bubble. they are going to tell us that every household deserves all the modern conveniences of life and that every man, woman and child deserves a household of their very own. they are going to tell us that we don't need all those dirty jobs that keep society afloat, that industry can be neat and tidy and that sweat can be a thing of the past. they are going to tell us that the future is just around the corner and then they're going to show us that they are there to usher it in. green, technologically advanced jobs for everyone. clean transportation, clean energy, clean cities, clean minds, everything neat and tidy and safe. all they ask in return is your undying devotion to those who offered you everything you deserve.

the reality, of course, is something completely different. the reality is that we are little more than hairless monkeys, tailless rodents, and that, even when handed the most advanced technology, many of us would still be wallowing in our own filth. state institutions have kept us undereducated and morally bankrupt, the welfare state has kept a huge swath of the population dependent and the lie of the ballot box has kept us ignorant of our own servitude. without ethical grounding, the green revolution can never be anything but a pointless rallying cry and our technology nothing more than another pipeline for porn. all that filthy industry that we would rather not have within our borders is just as necessary now as it always has been and its loss has crippled a workforce that isn't ready to be thrust into that imaginary future just yet. we still need a place for the witless fools and greasy morons to eke out a living. the future is not a destination, it is a path.


Well-Known Member
wow .. school has been consuming my life, due to finals and instructors trying to squeeze assingments in. So i was unaware of the current situation. This is outlandish and i can not beilive that happened ... ,furthermore, I bielve that the American economy is (well we all know) self-desrtucting, and when the politicians in Washington try to salvage what they can, they end up making the situation worse ...

I can see it now: ... All 50 states breaking away from the union. I bielieve that the states will be as Europe. Different sovereignties, while existing in some sort of collective union: E.G. EU, or European Union...

idk ..ill just smoke my pot and try to survive, waiting for ....



Well-Known Member
their next hat trick is to legalize tens of millions of people in this country who came here breaking the law. they are rewarding illegals for breaking the law.
many of our congressmen and obamas admin officials do not even pay their tax's . none of them go to jail or get fined for it'
o .

Are you a member of the First Nations? An Indigenous American Indian? You and you family are immigrants too. Don't forget that the next time you see a mexican picking strawberries or digging a hole, because that is your dream job right?


Well-Known Member
Are you a member of the First Nations? An Indigenous American Indian? You and you family are immigrants too. Don't forget that the next time you see a mexican picking strawberries or digging a hole, because that is your dream job right?
im american indian im irish i like mexicans and i will dig holes or pick berrys for money but i hate "illeagles" their either legal or their not but dont tell americans their "illegal" and then let them come in either open the border or close it but dont lie to people about immigration while they let them here...its some kind of a trick and their trying to play us against eachother


Active Member
im american indian im irish i like mexicans and i will dig holes or pick berrys for money but i hate "illeagles" their either legal or their not but dont tell americans their "illegal" and then let them come in either open the border or close it but dont lie to people about immigration while they let them here...its some kind of a trick and their trying to play us against eachother
you guys are on the right track, only problem is you give into the lie that its "our fault because we are addicted to oil" or "we wanted cheaper goods" no, WE, had no say in anything, ok? this is all a ploy by the elites to bring down the latest empire that they are using, just like every other empire in history. they all collapse the same way, its as though a play book is being followed. i dont believe for a second its incompetents, its all contrived. the zionists took your country over in 1908, and further cemented their grip in 1913. and ever since, america has been on an exponentially progressing decline, and we are just about near the end. i'd 2020 is when america will be nothing more then a flag, and an anthem.


Well-Known Member
you guys are on the right track, only problem is you give into the lie that its "our fault because we are addicted to oil" or "we wanted cheaper goods" no, WE, had no say in anything, ok? this is all a ploy by the elites to bring down the latest empire that they are using, just like every other empire in history. they all collapse the same way, its as though a play book is being followed. i dont believe for a second its incompetents, its all contrived. the zionists took your country over in 1908, and further cemented their grip in 1913. and ever since, america has been on an exponentially progressing decline, and we are just about near the end. i'd 2020 is when america will be nothing more then a flag, and an anthem.
i totaly agree, its the Illuminati, the ten%ers, the elite what ever you call them and its all a plan and a scheme they've set up to pull the wool over our eyes while further establishing its power.

i dont think its us the people who are addicted to oil (exept that well buy gas no matter the price) its the government with the problem. the military uses 80% of the oil we buy, EIGHTY FUCKIN PERCENT. i forget exactly how many hundreds of thousands or millions of barrels of oil we use a day but thats a lot of fuckin dinosaur blood

we need to kick the habit and work with ether corn ethanol or renewable resources


Active Member
can you geniuses explain why america gave away its industry to its supposed enemy?

Yes. Money! Duh

Seriously though...Blaming Bush for everything wrong is getting old and stale. Anyone who has held a seat in congress over the last 60 years is to blame.
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