can you get a pound a plant


New Member
A 1000 watt lamp. A long vegging cycle. A lot of skill.

I know someone who grew one plant out using a 5 gallon DWC in an empty walk-in closet under a 1000 watt lamp and got over two elbows off of it.



Well-Known Member
I didnt think that was possible in a closet. I had replied to this thread. I say he would need a warehouse, a LOT of lights, and plenty ventilation. lol. And obviously plenty of skills. lol. But again good luck, and shoot for the stars buddy. Hey kinda off note, but how do I get a grow journal started? I have recently planted 8 or 9 seeds, and they are all showing above ground, and wanted to have a running documentary of my progress. First grow in years. Help a brotha out. Chuuuuurch!


Well-Known Member
i would say the best way for you to do it with a little work and know how

plant it outside, but start it in side.


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