can you plant seeds immediatly after picking?


Active Member
just got some seeds from my plant, wondering if i could plant them since i just harvested them or do i have to wait for some more time.


Active Member
I read somewhere about fresh seeds to but cant remember exactly why u dont want to plant right away. Wait at least 2-3 weeks and store them in a nice dry place until ur ready to plant, however i do remeber reading that u will have better luck with seeds that arent so new.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
At least two weeks drying and really most breeders let them dry at least a month.They wont germ good when they are that green...................peace


Well-Known Member
At least two weeks drying and really most breeders let them dry at least a month.They wont germ good when they are that green...................peace
indeed let em dry in a nice dark place, month is recommended from what I have read, will try to find the article I have about em :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I germed some 10 days after harvest, but felt lucky when they opened. They were quite mature on the plant, though. Waiting 2 weeks or longer is usually much more successful in my experience