Can you rush a grow to go out of town?

Silky T

Well-Known Member
My plants are week two in flower and the family reunion and winter vacation, 1500 miles away, is from October 19th to Halloween. Help!!! I usually harvest on Halloween but this year I'm not going to be here. Is there any way to rush the finale or should I try to find a babysitter for those days? (I don't have any real options there either.) Should I get a water dripper and timer? What can I do? Should I rush them or slow them down, what???
My plants are week two in flower and the family reunion and winter vacation, 1500 miles away, is from October 19th to Halloween. Help!!! I usually harvest on Halloween but this year I'm not going to be here. Is there any way to rush the finale or should I try to find a babysitter for those days? (I don't have any real options there either.) Should I get a water dripper and timer? What can I do? Should I rush them or slow them down, what???
Trust me If there was a way to rush it we would all be doing it.
You could have started light depo in summer so they would have been done early but you cant do anything about it now.
General hydroponics ripen forcing solution, i put a mother in with other plants 4 weeks behind, apparently ripen helps with the final swelling and can give you something from a crop that would normally be lost,
Basically the mother after flowering for 5 weeks + 2 weeks of ripen gave me a shock with the bud the it had grown, if you're in a jam I'd recommend trying it.
Trust me If there was a way to rush it we would all be doing it.
You could have started light depo in summer so they would have been done early but you cant do anything about it now.
I went with a different breeder this year and I'm still kicking myself. Normally, I plant on 4/20 and harvest Halloween, but I didn't get the seeds until the end of June. I'm only in my 3rd week of flower. I know. You know what they say about hindsight.
I wonder if far red treatments and extra light deprivation would help at all in speeding up the maturing
I wonder if far red treatments and extra light deprivation would help at all in speeding up the maturing
That's an idea. I hate to admit it, but my outdoor plants aren't on a strict schedule. At soon as it gets dark outside, I move them into the tent. Hopefully, since I'm in 3rd week of flower, they will finish in 6 weeks and I can harvest and leave them hanging while I'm on vacation. In a perfect world.
That's an idea. I hate to admit it, but my outdoor plants aren't on a strict schedule. At soon as it gets dark outside, I move them into the tent. Hopefully, since I'm in 3rd week of flower, they will finish in 6 weeks and I can harvest and leave them hanging while I'm on vacation. In a perfect world.
are you on a 10 on/14 off schedule? Some far reds (730nm) for 10mins will help alot with them getting put to bed too. I know that growlightsaustralia sells some "buddies" that are pretty easy to add into whatever setup you have. Also other companies make some cool far red stuff, good luck!
Im new here and see you seem to know what your doing have you ever heard of this forcing solution the guy is telling me about in the bottom of thread does it work?
Lol wtf are you asking them for?
Best of luck I'm out.
Eta.. No disrespect to ganja gurl420.
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My plants are week two in flower and the family reunion and winter vacation, 1500 miles away, is from October 19th to Halloween. Help!!! I usually harvest on Halloween but this year I'm not going to be here. Is there any way to rush the finale or should I try to find a babysitter for those days? (I don't have any real options there either.) Should I get a water dripper and timer? What can I do? Should I rush them or slow them down, what???
I was gonna say, you know how you add more bloom nutes the further along you get in flower? What if you tried to lean less on bloom and a little more on veg nutes?! Obviously they need both, but if you're mixing 3 parts bloom to 1 part veg, what about try a 2-2 you know what I mean?!
Snake oil and wishful thinking sadly.
Why are you just talking rubbish when you clearly haven't tried it, you might not want to but ffs don't put the op off with talking rubbish, i can tell you categorically it works, i wouldn't have suggested it otherwise.