Can you share your transplant Techniques with us!!!


Active Member
Sup guys! Getting ready to transplant my girls to a 3 gallon pots next week and wanna see If u guys can share some Your Techniques with us . What to do and what not to do... Much thxbongsmilie


I like to water my plants a little before transplanting, kinda helps hold the soil together, i then place the stem between my fingers and turn the pot upside down, lightly tap on the bottom of the pot and try to spin the pot, once it is loose go ahead and lift the pot off. Place the root ball into your 3 gallon pots and fill with soil until its full. Make sure to have your 3 gallon pots ready before you try to remove the plant from the old pots


Well-Known Member
use grow bags. you cut the sides of the plastic bag open. you have a nice plug. there isn't much stress on the plant.
you don't have to yank it out of anything.


Well-Known Member
Pro tips on transplanting
Water 6 hours before
start seedlings in a party cup so you can just cut the cups when transplanting
place the stalk between your ring finger and middle finger and use your other hand to grab the bottom of the container and then flip.


Well-Known Member
Pro tips on transplanting
Water 6 hours before
start seedlings in a party cup so you can just cut the cups when transplanting
place the stalk between your ring finger and middle finger and use your other hand to grab the bottom of the container and then flip.
perfect I would only add a little on the end: fill the pot up to the depth of the plant, firmed soil(I actually use the pot the plant is in to push down firm and level the soil in the pot)....then set the plant on that and fill in around it watering an firming up. water in and it's done


Well-Known Member
personally i like the soil a little dry when i pull the whole thing out seems less likely to fall apart at least for me. when the soil is wet its heavy and will try to crumble if a root system is not fully established to hold the soil together.


Well-Known Member
I go from Party cup to 1 gal fabric pot then to 3 gal fabric pot for final transplant. No special handling during process. Semi dry