Can you use a candle to work when the lights are off

Hey all, i heard you can use a candle to work during flowering when the lights are off, similar to a party bulb, i just wanna switch out my new bulb before my lights come on tonight, any suggestions?


bud bootlegger
get a green bulb as green is the one color that won't affect a plant during flowering and won't harm anything or the like.. :)


Well-Known Member
just turn on your regular hous light lol dont trip it wont hurt them. just dont leave it on all the time or go in there all the time you will be fine


Well-Known Member
I personally just dont go near my tent or cab when its lights out. I just dont see it as worth the risk if there was a light leak.

Not my cup of tea.

Green bulbs are an option but be wary of any other light sources when you open it.


Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Yeah. Sometimes at night I don't give them complete darkness until ten or fifteen minuyes after scheduled timing. I like to inspect under natural light and I tend to do most of my gardening rigjt before lights out so sometimes I over shoot it. One thing to remember is they aren't machines, 12/12 is just what works. Not what exactly is required.

Now I'm rambling :eyesmoke:


I'd try it. If it hermed everything I'd have to start over. There is no learning without taking chances. One lumen or whatever, one wax candle, should not affect a plant at all though. What is a candle one watt right?


Well-Known Member
For the two minutes or less it takes to change a bulb it's fine. Your plants aren't going to go "oh shit, we had 12 hours and 5 minutes of light, better revert to vegging." And if you ever need to do more than a quick check or bulb swap get a green light. They don't get "seen" by the plants and are way better than a candle. I'd be more worried about starting a fire than herming a plant with a candle.