can young seedlings still be burnt by hid lights?....


Active Member
have 2 400watt lights 2.5ft off seedlings temp is 75 and humidity is 60. its a ebb flo. table.

Juicy Fruit

Active Member
So long as there not in direct light they will be fine, seeds germinate better when it's dark, but as long as you have them planted good it should be fine.


Active Member
they have sproted..there about 3-4in just wontering if thay could still get fryed under powerful lights even if all the numbers add up?


Well-Known Member
You only "need" 1 400. More is a waste, but in reference to your question... No, 800watts 2.5feet away will not burn your plants. It's just unnecessary.


Active Member
Nope the blue spec is more suited for foliage growth. Red spec is for flower.

mh = blue hps = red

But you can use it.. It won't "hurt" them