Canada should change the April 20 sitins date


Well-Known Member
Why you ask? too fricken cold man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah great for the southern americans sitting outside on the green lawns in their shorts but in Canada we need a later summer date to have our sit ins around the country!
we could still keep the 4:20 time :-)
we need more like a june/ July date....Cannabis day long weekend...oops I said it......
and it could be an all round green holiday, where we shut of the electricity except for all green No one works....
yeah nice hot day, hell even if it rained it would be nice and warm...... LOL the only reason I don't go to 420 sitins is it's too fricken cold out. Seems alsoto be more of a rec users party than real activism also, shame but needs more exposure as a real issue ... ppl tend to think oh look stoners again and not take it seriously.
My friend in Montreal marches in the streets every day at 420 with his orange prison jumpsuit he got for some marijuana charges. Now he has a license.