Canada's Ego Election


Well-Known Member
Hypocrite: Justin Trudeau our blackface womanizer Prime Minister who chose surfing over attending Native Reconciliation ceremonies. It's no wonder he's the only PM to have stones thrown at him. A real piece of shit.IMG_20210930_165849_710.jpg
Didn't Canada have a Trump prototype in Toronto with Rob Ford?

This guy?

actually 2/3 of Canadians didn't vote for the goofy ass!
You know what a plurality is?

weed helps
Thank JT for it being legal remember.

Seriously though, no one wanted an election, but it was due. no minority government has ever last longer without an election being called. And as bad as JT is, the Conservatives are an even bigger bunch of liars than the Libs are and would send the country backwards if they ever get back in.
You know what a plurality is?

Thank JT for it being legal remember.

Seriously though, no one wanted an election, but it was due. no minority government has ever last longer without an election being called. And as bad as JT is, the Conservatives are an even bigger bunch of liars than the Libs are and would send the country backwards if they ever get back in.
I think our government works better with a minority and while I agree with your sentiment about the Conservatives, we do have other choices.

Trudeau is a self centred and entitled little prick and quite possibly a bigger asshole than his father, which says a lot. It’s funny that the rest of the world loves him but after 6 years, most Canadians now see him for who he really is.
Wow. Between the Liberals and the NDP they have 50%. The Bloc, they are not a Canadian party, just a Quebec one on the federal stage. So I guess policy will be leaning toward the left by popular vote. Justin ain't his dad, but few politicians are comparable to the best of the past). We have had minority governments before, we will survive.
Yep. After an unnecessary election, nothing has changed.