Canadian Government Ready To Talk About Legalizing Marijuana


Well-Known Member
from 420 Magazine

Bill VanderGraaf takes a drag of medical marijuana on the front lawn of his East Kildonan home.

"It's an exciting time," he said.

The retired Winnipeg homicide detective says he has used the homegrown drug almost daily since 2008 to cope with post-traumatic stress.

This week, he's feeling hopeful marijuana will finally be legal under incoming prime minister Justin Trudeau, who made it a campaign promise.

"The continued criminalization of our citizens is something that should've stopped many, many years ago," VanderGraaf said, adding that even he has found himself in trouble with the law in the past for growing marijuana without proper permits.

How and when changes would roll out remains unclear, but users, licensed distributors and even the Manitoba government are eager to get moving on discussions.

Province Ready To 'Roll Up Our Sleeves'

"I think that across North America, people have been getting ahead of their legislators on this issue, so I think it's timely that we had a national discussion — that we get to the table, we roll up our sleeves and make sure this is done in a sure-footed and safe way," Manitoba Attorney General Gord Mackintosh told CBC News on Thursday.

Mackintosh said there a number of details to hammer out, including whether the regulation and sale of the drug would fall under federal or provincial jurisdiction.

"There are questions about how much will be allowed, what age are they talking about, all of the questions about labelling and even about taxation … so when we hear the plan, we're going to come to the table," he said.

"We have to ensure that we are continuing in our positive directions when it comes to fighting organized crime and impaired driving and dealing with addictions. So we can't backslide on that."

Trudeau has already said he's not comfortable with medicinal or recreational marijuana being sold at convenience stores, insisting that changes would need to make it more difficult for minors to get their hands on the drug.

What Would Distribution Look Like?

As it stands, medical marijuana production and distribution is federally regulated by Health Canada. Some in the industry expect changes would not be much of a departure from this highly controlled system.

In Manitoba, the only licensed supplier of medical pot is Winnipeg-based Delta 9 Bio-Tech.

"What has been made very clear from the Liberal side is that we are going to see a tight system of regulation. I wouldn't think we're going to see an entirely legalized product, where cannabis is removed from the CBSA [Controlled Drug and Substance Act] and people are growing their own," said John Arbuthnot, vice-president of Delta 9 Bio-Tech.

"I think we will see something very similar to alcohol and to tobacco where we will see, again, a tightly controlled system of production likely at the federal level and then provincially regulated distribution."

Arbuthnot said the drug could either be controlled by a commission similar to Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries or a system of regulated stores.

"The province may [even] take a hands-off position and say this is going to be regulated by the municipalities, so it may be up to the city to determine what types of stores and where those stores can operate."

Recreational Pot Wouldn't Replace Medical Cannabis

Arbuthnot said legalizing marijuana for recreational use would not remove the need for a medicinal product. In fact, he said the immediate benefit for licensed distributors such as Delta 9 Bio-Tech would be access to a much larger client base.

"I think there will always be a medical marijuana system here in Canada as well as perhaps a legalized recreational system. Those two systems may mirror each other, although we will likely see pretty clear delineation," he said.

"Here at Delta 9, we deal with a number of clients who are immuno-compromised and who really require a product that is as near sterile as possible, so that takes us a certain way in terms of our production practices."

VanderGraaf, Mackintosh and Arbuthnot all agree that the goal behind legalization needs to be removing the production and distribution away from organized crime.

VanderGraaf added that if Trudeau does act on his promise, it would be a burden lifted off of law enforcement.

"I think the Winnipeg police will be able to put their resources to those issues that are important," he said. "They'll be able to concentrate on the people that are really doing harm out there."
Only Drug cops and Rookies care about pot, I have met a few Detectives who smoke bud, I once had a robbery squad cop give back a qp because he only wanted guns and stolen goods(Mistaken identity)
Don't be so sure. Citizens of Washington state thought they'd be able to grow under their 'legalization' scheme but it took almost a year to 'give' that right to the People.

The court rulings in favour of home grows for med make me think it will be the case.
I believe the libs won't challenge med like the cons did, by allowing g med grows as the law stated they cannot say it's dangerous for rec to grow also.

It's a catch 22 and it puts them in a bind when it comes to saying no home grows
The court rulings in favour of home grows for med make me think it will be the case.
I believe the libs won't challenge med like the cons did, by allowing g med grows as the law stated they cannot say it's dangerous for rec to grow also.

It's a catch 22 and it puts them in a bind when it comes to saying no home grows

Obvious contradictions never stopped American politicians, LOL

I hope you're right. Send lots of emails to ALL of your representatives to let them know where their constituents stand on the issue, it can't hurt and may help stiffen their resolve when dealing with the cons.
No surprise the LP's are already trying to rule out home grows.

I don't mind as more money for me BUT they seem to forget you can still make really good money selling at $3-4 per gram or $1360-1800 lb. At that price the underground would flourish as usual since the LP weed will be at least 2x that if not more if they take a book out of the legal US states.
Q: will there be both a federal and provincial tax on rec weed?
when i was in Washington, they said it was 100% tax and that's why it was $23/g
if we get that here in Canada, there will be no way the BM won't flourish. i wouldn't go to a store to buy when I can get it at half the cost....well less really
when i was in Washington, they said it was 100% tax and that's why it was $23/g
if we get that here in Canada, there will be no way the BM won't flourish. i wouldn't go to a store to buy when I can get it at half the cost....well less really

But what's rediculious is that the price of illegal weed is reflected on the penalties for growing, possessing and using it. So now there are none for commercial cultivation or personal usage so why is the price so high?

Are they going to require current testing procedure for quality of are we going to have. This Advil is pharma grade for real medical use. this grocery store Advil is of a lesser grade lol.
as far as the burden lifted from law should also be a huge reduction in their budgets to fight
sure they will be able to shift the resources from soft drugs to hard drugs,but will in no way need to keep increasing their budgets year over year they have done for pretty much ever...
these huge budgets... have made them very resource heavy.. and they have so much gear and equipment, that they should not need to purchase anything for years to come.
as far as the burden lifted from law should also be a huge reduction in their budgets to fight
sure they will be able to shift the resources from soft drugs to hard drugs,but will in no way need to keep increasing their budgets year over year they have done for pretty much ever...
these huge budgets... have made them very resource heavy.. and they have so much gear and equipment, that they should not need to purchase anything for years to come.

Yah but how are they going to skim when there's less free money. Don't worry when you see it getting closet they will be crying foul about smaller budgets. Everything is a business and when a huge chunk of your income is gone you gonna fight it hard if you can.