Canadian R-dwc build. Where to source parts? Who is the best parts suppliers


Well-Known Member
Hello. I'm located in southern Ontario Canada and am going to attempt to switch from soil to hydroponic rdwc system. I have a budget of 450 to 6 I can use to source the parts required as the systems available are drastically over priced and I would like the system to be able to support 8 to 16 plants. I know that's a wide range but I would like to be able to use all the lights I've got which is enough to cover 70 - 75 sqft. I'm thinking of starting with 8 sites and once I've completed a run or two and know from experience the ins and outs rather than just the theory I can then add the rest. I'll have to plan that into the design. I've been looking for a source for all the parts required and haven't really found a place that has good prices on everything or even a place that I can order at least the bulk of the parts rather than source from multiple locations. Would anyone be able to tell me where i can find a place to source these parts that ship to southern Ontario for a reasonable price? Thank you for any and all helpful advice
What exactly are you looking to buy?
Most of the stuff could be purchased at Home Depot or Rona.
The mesh baskets and things you could get at homegrown hydroponics or holland industrial
I’ve seen some slick systems built with the black tote with yellow lids
Home Depot Tuff Totes. I use 6" net lids that fit perfectly in the top. I like them better than 5gal buckets because they offer more root space.
if your coming off soil and thats all youve ever grown in u should get a couple of coco grows completed first. no offense but most soil growers are lost when they start growing hydro.

ps: stay away from submersible pumps for rdwc, itll warm up your res. also get yourself a chiller or build ur own, itll save ur ass.
IMO, for your goals you will likely need to nearly double your budget if you are buying overpriced things. All of the little stuff adds up very quickly.
You will need good pumps, quality ph and ec/ppm meters, water filters, youll want a fresh water holding tank with a system that big, if you arent going sterile youll likely need a chiller which will eat up a good portion of your budget for the size system you want, the bulkhead fittings for each site, all of the other pipe and fittings, holesaws to make clean holes, light proofing materials and glues/cements

Check out my veg build in my signature. All of the parts were bought local at big name stores except the pumps which were from ebay. My flower system sounds similar to what you want to do, its made with 17 gallon totes from HD and I could fit 2 of the 5 gallon lid 6" net pots in the lids if I want to.
Places like Home Depot also offer tons of stuff online that you can get delivered to your local store for free within a few days.

Just do plenty of research and dont rush into things.

Hi. Sorry for the delay in my response. I had a bit of trouble with the internet. Thank you for all the help. I think I will have to increase my budget or start smaller and design for a upgrade in the future. Everything is expensive for what it is. The fittings and the containers I find mostly. I will keep looking for affordable options while I build the budget up. As always greatly appreciate your time and help