Canna coir query



I'm a relative newbie for growing, with a couple of successful plants and a couple of failures. I've just moved to an LED light, and to using Coir rather than compost.

I planted a germinated seed 11 days back. I've been following the feeding guide that comes with Canna Coir, using the appropriate nutrients. I'm watering every three days, and not letting the pot sit in the drained water. The mix is circa 2 parts coir to 1 part Perlite.

1. The plant is growing very slowly; only the second set of leaves have appeared. It is no more than an inch tall.

2. The first set of leaves are brown at the tips - very slightly, but clearly so.

3. PH is around 7. I have tried reducing the pH of the feed water with a small amount of lemon juice; the PH reading for the water dropped to just under 6, but the soil remains resolutely at 7+.

4. I had the light quite low over the plant, as LEDs are not hot, but given the brown at the tips of the first leaves, have raised it to c18" above.

What am I doing wrong? I would have expected more healthy growth by now.


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