Canna Jew get a break?

Cowboy Kahlil

Well-Known Member
“You know, it’s a funny thing, every one of the bastards that are out for legalizing marijuana is Jewish. What the Christ is the matter with the Jews, Bob, what is the matter with them?”

That was President Richard Nixon speaking to his top aide, H.R. “Bob” Haldeman, during a recorded White House meeting back in 1971.

Though one Jewish billionaire helped keep the Florida medicinal marijuana bill from getting the needed 60% approval, there are others trying to drum up support from the Jewish community for marijuana legalization as the next great social justice issue.
Great read.

But Bronner’s activism has been more than monetary. In 2009, he planted hemp seeds in front of the Drug Enforcement Agency’s D.C. headquarters to protest the U.S. ban on hemp farming, and three years later he locked himself in a steel cage with a dozen industrial hemp plants — they contain only trace amounts of THC — in front of the White House.

That is a true, diehard activist. Props.
Marijuana is legal to grow in Israel and research on it has been done there for a very long time; THC was itself discovered by an Israeli researcher there.

Thus it pains me to say that one of the worst advocates for Jewish peoples is how Israel is being run; as a cross between an apartheid state- and simple genocide of the Palestinian inhabitants of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Holding Israel accountable for its crimes against humanity is not anti-Semitic. Those who are apologists for such horrific behavior- and often attempt to conflate the two- are defending the indefensible.

That these same people turn around and suggest that we need to keep supporting Israel due to the holocaust is despicable.
Just as we do here, we can support a general population while being skeptical or appalled at the behavior of the government. By no means do I believe all the Jews in the world, or even a majority, support the current Israeli government. So for me, it's all about knowing that, in many places, the majority doesn't reflect the government they're stuck with.

bibi's a bastard. And there's plenty of others over there. But I don't hold them all responsible for the brutality inflicted on the Palestinians.

And...... there are bastards in the Palestinian hierarchies, too, though currently, they're a lot less powerful than the Israeli govt.
Marijuana is legal to grow in Israel and research on it has been done there for a very long time; THC was itself discovered by an Israeli researcher there.

Thus it pains me to say that one of the worst advocates for Jewish peoples is how Israel is being run; as a cross between an apartheid state- and simple genocide of the Palestinian inhabitants of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Holding Israel accountable for its crimes against humanity is not anti-Semitic. Those who are apologists for such horrific behavior- and often attempt to conflate the two- are defending the indefensible.

That these same people turn around and suggest that we need to keep supporting Israel due to the holocaust is despicable.

most holocaust survivors agree