
Well-Known Member
HI GUYS, i wanted to share with you this amazing thing i just discovered: i was searching online for cocktails to prepare with what i had AT HOME, i bumped into a preparation that was including just Gin, Prosecco wine ( Italian name for a "pre meal" white wine that does lots of bubbles, i think anything similar, like Champagne, would work), couple drops of lemon, honey, water, a teabag of green tea and of course ice. I revisited the preparation changing the green tea with dry trim, which had a ton of resin, and a bit of bud from my last crop. The result was super weed tasting, super balanced and easy to drink, as well as hell heavy, having both a nice alcoholic percentage and the thc infused in it. Fantastic i swear, at lest i liked it a lot

For this purpose i wonder, would the thc be assimilable by human body by drinking some 38% alcohol or so solution with it infused? I think with no doubt i got high after drinking one of these, as well as a bit drunk, but i can't swear it because i smoked a blunt with it :cool:
Anyways, super cool idea to match with a nice joint smoking to let friends taste your stuff instead of cooking :hump:

Preparation for 4 people:
Preparation: 5 minutes
Total time: 1 hour
Super easy

-200 ml Dry Gin
-30 ml White Whine with bubbles (Prosecco, Malvasia, Champagne). (maybe you can change it with Triple Sec)
-4-7 gr of bud or trim (i used 5 gr total)

Prepare a glass with 200 ml of Dry Gin and but the weed in it. Let it in there for around 1 hour stirring multiple times during the process. The liquid should turn gold/brownish. Then filter it very well so that you do not leave solids in the final mix. you can also do this by bagging the weed before putting it into the glass.

Meanwhile, prepare a small container to heat up with low flame, containing 3 spoons of water and 3 spoons of honey. stir it until it get diluted.

Then fill a Champagne glass with ice, pour in half glass of the gin/weed mixture, a bit of wine, 3 drops of lemon, and a bit of honey. Then shake it vigorously with a hand on top if you don't have a shaker. You can experiment with different ratios of these as you like it stronger or not, more sweet or viceversa.
i have no pics because i already drank it all, bye :lol:
I love prosecco and this recipe looks fun to make. I'd probably use a shatter or distillate to remove the "green taste" but otherwise it looks super refreshing especially for the summer time.