Cannabis fighting Cancer


Well-Known Member
Here is an interesting article talking about how THC in Cannabis kills cancer.
We are so fortunate to have enlightened countries like Israel and Spain working on this, and also for people like Rick Simpson and even members here at RIU.
There is just so much evidence out there folks.
NaturalNews) The therapeutic potential of cannabis appears limitless, extending far beyond just relieving nausea or pain in the terminally ill. Christina Sanchez, a molecular biologist from Compultense University in Madrid, Spain, has been studying the molecular activity of cannabinoids for more than 10 years, and during this time she and her colleagues have learned that tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the primary psychoactive component of cannabis, induces tumor cell "suicide" while leaving healthy cells alone.

This amazing discovery was somewhat unexpected, as Sanchez and her team had initially been studying brain cancer cells for the purpose of better understanding how they function. But in the process, they observed that, when exposed to THC, tumoral cells not only ceased to multiply and proliferate but also destroyed themselves, both in lab tests and animal trials. Sanchez first reported on this back in 1998, publishing a paper on the anti-cancer effects of THC in the European biochemistry journal FEBS Letters.

"In the early 1960s, Raphael Mechoulam from the Hebrew University in Israel categorized the main compound in marijuana producing the psychoactive effects that we all know," explained Sanchez during an interview with Cannabis Planet. "After the discovery of this compound that is called THC, it was pretty obvious that this compound had to be acting on the cells, on our organism, through a molecular mechanism."

Sanchez expounds upon this and much more in a five-minute video segment available here:

Human body designed to utilize cannabis compounds, research finds
Later research in the 1980s revealed that the human body contains two specific targets for THC: an endogenous framework that processes THC and other cannabinoids, known as the endocannabinoid system, and various cannabinoid receptors throughout the body that utilize them. Together, these two natural systems allow the body to benefit from the cannabinoids found in cannabis, some of which aren't found anywhere else in nature.

"The endocannabinoids, together with the receptors and the enzymes that synthesize, that produce, the endocannabinoids and that degrade the endocannabinoids, are what we call the endocannabinoid system," added Sanchez. "And we now know that the endocannabinoid system regulates a lot of biological functions: appetite, food intake, motor behavior, reproduction, and many, many other functions. And that's why the plant has such a wide therapeutic potential."

"Phoenix Tears" cannabis oil is already curing people of cancer
When inhaled or consumed, cannabis cannabinoids are incorporated into the body's natural endocannabinoid system, binding to cannabinoid receptors in the same way as endogenous cannabinoids. The effects of this in terms of cancer, as demonstrated in animal models of both breast and brain cancers, is that tumor cells are thrust into a state of apoptosis, meaning they self-destruct.

"Cells can die in different ways, and after cannabinoid treatment, they were dying in the clean way -- they were committing suicide," revealed Sanchez. One of the advantages of cannabinoids... is that they target, specifically, the tumor cells. They don't have any toxic effect on normal, non-tumoral cells. And this is an advantage with respect to standard chemotherapy, which targets basically everything."

What Sanchez is describing here sounds a lot like what Canadian researcher and innovator Rick Simpson has been doing with his "Phoenix Tears" cannabis oil, which has reportedly cured many people of cancer over the years without harming them like chemotherapy and radiation do.

You can learn more about Phoenix Tears here:

"I cannot understand why in the U.S. cannabis is under Schedule I, because it is pretty obvious, not only from our work, but from the work of many other researchers, that the plant has very wide therapeutic potential," emphasized Sanchez.

Learn more:

Here is Dr. Christina Sanchez...
I have a brown spot on my forehead. The thing got bigger, slowly going from a pinhead, freckle type spot to now about 1 cm across.
I asked my pill pusher about it...'its nothing..your getting old' blah blah was his answer.
So what? Wait til this thing covers my forehead?
So I made a batch of Rick Simpson oil. Nice golden honey oil. I started 5 days ago treating my spot. After 3 days I thought it looked different. It was softer, didnt have a hard crusty feel to it.
Today I just checked...its changing, its losing a battle it seems. Its itchy like that itch when a cut is healing. Its gone from a dark brown to a lighter shade.
Not only is it a great feeling to HEAL YOURSELF its an even better feeling giving the finger to this pill pushing medical profession thats taken over our health care system
I have a brown spot on my forehead. The thing got bigger, slowly going from a pinhead, freckle type spot to now about 1 cm across.
I asked my pill pusher about it...'its nothing..your getting old' blah blah was his answer.
So what? Wait til this thing covers my forehead?
So I made a batch of Rick Simpson oil. Nice golden honey oil. I started 5 days ago treating my spot. After 3 days I thought it looked different. It was softer, didnt have a hard crusty feel to it.
Today I just checked...its changing, its losing a battle it seems. Its itchy like that itch when a cut is healing. Its gone from a dark brown to a lighter shade.
Not only is it a great feeling to HEAL YOURSELF its an even better feeling giving the finger to this pill pushing medical profession thats taken over our health care system

Sounds like the doc can't recognize skin cancer. Go see a specialist. Meanwhile if RSO helps, keep doing it!
I've seen cannabis cure cancer...and I've also had a friend lose his battle despite it. I questioned the cancer fighting claims when Gerry died, but then I watched another friends daughter beat ovarian cancer that had spread and we credit our cannabis cookies for that. She has just got a clean checkup- eight months after she was told she was cancer free.
I've seen cannabis cure cancer...and I've also had a friend lose his battle despite it. I questioned the cancer fighting claims when Gerry died, but then I watched another friends daughter beat ovarian cancer that had spread and we credit our cannabis cookies for that. She has just got a clean checkup- eight months after she was told she was cancer free.

That is why I titled the thread fighting and not curing.
I know cannabis has beaten some cancer, and I know it doesn't always.
It has been interesting learning about it, got a long way to go...
I think the longer you have used mj the better....I always found it strange that everyone around me would get sick and I would just sail through...unless it was something really serious like a flu strain...I actually believe mj has preventative if it could only fix my back...
I think the longer you have used mj the better....I always found it strange that everyone around me would get sick and I would just sail through...unless it was something really serious like a flu strain...I actually believe mj has preventative if it could only fix my back...
I'm starting to feel that way too. I'm suspecting that being a user of MJ for years hasn't seemed to have hurt me at all. Crossed fingers.
I have heard this theory being talked about a bit.
i like to think the cancer cells get a buzz & forget to replicate. by the time they come down, it's too late.
that's my comical spin. i really do believe it helps get rid of it or gets rid of it. my jury is still out. i wish i had known about RSO a few years ago. i would have offered it to my Aunt who they said stage 4-been nice knowing ya...not really but they said there was nothing they could do. i bet a good does of RSO would have changed things.
she lived healthy her entire life & cancer still took her. it really doesn't care about anyone
I'm starting to feel that way too. I'm suspecting that being a user of MJ for years hasn't seemed to have hurt me at all. Crossed fingers.
I have heard this theory being talked about a bit.

I'm hoping my 40+ years of smoking the illegal herb keeps me healthy, so I can continue my addiction to tobacco and know...the legal drugs....grrrr

mojo the addicted and afflicted
There's got to be something to it...if people are purporting that it has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory anti - anti- anti- properties, how can it not be protective?
well LP's have Uncle stuff & that's the worst..not anti...haha
I watched this Vice vid last night about a new technique that has them injecting cancer tumors with well known viruses.
They are using measles and the common cold but the best success rates have been when they inject a modified version of the aids virus into the body. 43 minute vid but worth the time
They are seriously talking a cure here

I watched this Vice vid last night about a new technique that has them injecting cancer tumors with well known viruses.
They are using measles and the common cold but the best success rates have been when they inject a modified version of the aids virus into the body. 43 minute vid but worth the time
They are seriously talking a cure here

Shocking...please watch folks
it's interesting but I wouldn't hold my breath

Because you don't think there's much merit to this science, or because this virus attack branch of science would have to battle the well established and funded chemo / radiation club?