Cannabis freakshow


Active Member
Hey peeps after seeing a few wierd plants of my own and a few friends freaks over the years thought i would start this thread to see how what other freakish growths we have goin on over the world lol

so please post your pics of deformed buds/plants/leaves so we can all have a butchers!!!

i have a pic of a bud coming from a leaf i will post soon as i find it, i have seen this a few times on the net but still looks wicked!!
this is my baby, she is much bigger now lol jst going into flowerin no, i put this pic up to show she is growin 3 of everything, i didnt put up a recent pic cos its easier to see in this picture

freaky yea


Active Member
hey vv that is a lil bit of a freak gene you may have there has it kept on producing this same way? i have a cheesus that is doing it but only on 1 branch