Cannabis grows faster in shade?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone a friend of my robot has a cannabis plant on the balcony, robot notices it grows faster in the shade? Its not dark and not sunny either. Why could this be? The cannabis plant is 2 days old and its leaves true leaves are almost the size as fingernail?


Well-Known Member
Does your robots friend have another plant same strain and age in full light to compare it to? Also a 2 day old plant is better off out of direct sunlight for at least a week after breaking soil surface

diet coke

Active Member
Shade grown will have huge leaves and long internodes, the problem is that you will be growing the wrong parts of the plant(stems)and will not have great flowers.


Well-Known Member
its soil has some good nutes in it (Urine lol) I am vegan :P and sometimes i filter out water from soil to get nutes


New Member
When theyre that young they tend to do better w indirect sun. Once they grow 3 sets of true leaves you shpuld start leavinb them in vull sun. I have seedlings that are getting sun burned and badly stunted cause of this.


Well-Known Member
I find this thread and many just like it real amusing. Not to be a dick but you and some other members should just do a minimum of research on this site and all the basic questions will be answered. How bout doing a search or reading a book instead of startung these kind of questions. Once again not trying to insult just letting you know the best way to learn here imo. Good luck w/ robots sprout.
sorry to hijack this thread, but i got a ? that kind of applies to this. im looking for a good spot to grow my plants, and i found a pretty big area surrounded trees. To give you an idea of it, its about 6:30 here and it gets dark around a little after 8, and the trees have shaded around half of the land. So im thinking most of the day its pretty sunny, so would it be alright to plants my stuff there? ill probly put them in the middle. Do yall think theyll get plenty of sun?


New Member
As long as it gets at least 6 hrrs of direct sun. Theyll grow well but of course not as well as one that gets at least 10 the more the better.


Well-Known Member
2-3 direct is ok for seedlings, even with only this, make sure they dont get heat damage
and as much indirect sunlight as possible
when they get older, try foil?
otherwise - get a cfl at least to extend their light time

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
sorry to hijack this thread, but i got a ? that kind of applies to this. im looking for a good spot to grow my plants, and i found a pretty big area surrounded trees. To give you an idea of it, its about 6:30 here and it gets dark around a little after 8, and the trees have shaded around half of the land. So im thinking most of the day its pretty sunny, so would it be alright to plants my stuff there? ill probly put them in the middle. Do yall think theyll get plenty of sun?
Serious ??
This is the thread that you are going to Hijack ??

Iron Cross is, at a minimum, a TROLL. If not a complete Moron.

His last grow was in a pill bottle under LED CHRISTMAS LIGHTS that ended in him eating the 1 inch tall plant.

The best way to get an answer to a question is to start your own thread.