Cannabis in the Treatment of Chronic Pain


Well-Known Member
A few years back my right hand was 90% severed and surgically reattached. I'm mostly functional but still have chronic pain. Over the years I have used all kinds of pain meds/treatments but mostly use 3 drugs depending on severity- cannabis (daily), ibuprofin (3-15x weekly) and oxycodone (few times/year). Together they work pretty well at keeping pain under control.

After much research one thing I never really grasped was how chronic pain differs physiologically from other pains, and I wonder if perhaps other chronic pain sufferers may not know much about this either. Anyway the following Powerpoint presentation by Gregory T Carter MD, Professor of Rehabilitory Medicine at U of Washington, has a lot of excellent info, putting into words many things I hadn't yet been able to do. Its not new- 2009- but its still relevant. Its also a bit cryptic as its in Powerpoint form and mostly bullet points without details. And while much of its already known, I found much of the info and the way its presented very useful and thought others might too.


I soak in bleach to get rid of under lying infections. I have found that "101 Bleach", a liquid bleach formulated for people that prefer hand washing certain parts of their laundry.

I had my right arm nearly ripped clean off at the elbow in the early 1960's. The doctors demanded that it had to be amputated. I said no, so they stuck it all back together and wrapped it put my arm in a sling. I had a love at that time for public swimming pools and I noticed that something about them kept the infections at bay and my arm was actually healing. I had no idea at the time that the chlorine added in the water was acting as a disinfectant and penetrating into the wound.

At full strength, used in the wounded area. it will cure serious toe jam(I'm missing the tips off two fingers but still have the nails), kills streptococcus(usually associated with fungus, age spots), yeast or staff infections and fungus shit etc that doctors can't do anything about. All stuff that stops the healing process and causes pain.

I am now a senior citizen, have full use of my arm, and have no pain.

It's pretty hard to overdo it as the pain can be insurmountable, especially on the strep.

Every person is different so like with anything use common sense, you may be allergic to public swimming pools:) Women with infections in their genitals should take care if they have a desire to put extra bleach in the bath as I do as the bacteria in the uterus can gas out on the bleach so start with a little and work your way up. I toss as many as three cups of the soft bleach in the bath to soak but I started with a half cup. It is not wise to get rid of to much mange all at once because it can send the body into a state of shock. In reality the victim was already in shock but when the amounts of bio-toxins are reduced to quickly the victim becomes more aware and can feel the degradation where before the body was kept numb by the mange's anti-coagulating and bio-toxin being pumped into the victims blood and surrounding tissue.

We all know that we can't consume this type of salt but like a junkies prescription patch the salt will enter into the blood through the skin while soaking.

The rips I had in my shins are all healed. The doctors told me that because the infection in the wounds was not treatable, the rips would never heal properly. Well as stubborn as I am I wouldn't listen to this and I kept rubbing it down with peroxide. Well this kept it at bay for many years but it wasn't stopping it. I was loosing control of certain muscles in my legs and it was causing me to walk funny. As of January 15th 2015 due to the fact that one of the liaisons started dripping green puss I decided to blast it off the planet with full strength "101 Bleach"(not supposed to harm skin in direct contact). The infected skin came off like sludge and the wound(s) opened up like it just happened, bringing back some very vivid memories and a whole lotta pain. I had like 15 of these rips so due to the pain and the shock of it I did them one and two at a time. When the infected muscles in my legs started reviving that was a whole different trip:)

Jesus Christ undoubtedly invented bleach:)

It is a proven fact that people are far more dangerous than a marijuana plant.
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thc induced nerve pain.
due to bi/tri phasic effects

a single hit would dull... one more it would buzz..another and im popping pain pills

i need more than 3 hits to get on my level and with the pain i just quit till the nerves healed
thc induced nerve pain.
due to bi/tri phasic effects

a single hit would dull... one more it would buzz..another and im popping pain pills

i need more than 3 hits to get on my level and with the pain i just quit till the nerves healed

Interesting, I've not heard of thc-induced nerve pain. That's the opposite effect that I had, but I was no doubt smoking a sat/indica hybrid the first time I experienced cannabis-specific neuropathic pain relief. You're a pure landrace sativa guy tho, right? Think that might account for the difference in reaction?