Cannabis juice?


Well-Known Member
My plants have started flowering and I'm doing lots of trimming. Can I put those leaves in blender and add water to make fresh cannabis juice-drink?

The reason I'm asking is that I'm worried about the plant food. I'm using Canna Coco line and as far as I know it's synthetic.

I would only like to drink it if it's not harmful to my health.

Should I give it a try?
I know a few cancer sufferers that drink teas made from herb. Many say there's something to the organic matter. I know one person who uses canna butter to treat epilepsy and they find butter with plenty of organic green chunks in it most effective.

You need to decarb it if you want to get high from it. The strength won't be anything to write home about either. I've done a few canna butter runs from veg trim. Taste was a bit green and I had to eat a fair amount but it did give me a decent buzz.

What's the motive here, to get a buzz or health benefits (perceived or otherwise :bigjoint:)?

I found with butter I could run the liquid through multiple batches of trim. I would run a 250g block of butter through 4-5 ounces. Time consuming but it was potent.

If you cure the herb it will taste much better than fresh green too. If that's what floats yer boat :bigjoint:
The whole internet is talking about the health benefits of raw cannabis juice and now I'm thinking about consuming it for boosting my health. I would store it in freezer as green ice.

Option 2 would be to just throw it away. Maybe I shouldnt.

The big question here is - organic vs inorganic - how big of a role does plant food have health wise?

There really lacks information about this. Can't find...
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Not particularily. The purest way to feeding plants is veganically I guess.

I get the feeling that health benefits out weight the harmfulness of growing with inorganic/chemical/synthetical nutrients though, but I guess if the goal is to grow for medicinal qualities (especially when talking about consuming it raw), then the healthies way to grow would be "veganic cultivation".

Not advertising veganism here, but I just happened to find that kind of information regarding cannabis cultivation.

Veganics is vegan organic gardening - organic growing that does not make use of animal products.

So I guess when most people say organic they really aren't growing 100% organic.

What people think?
Unless you are foliar feeding there won't be any nutrients in your green materials..
It doesn't matter.. organics need to break down to produce n p k.. synthetics don't!
They work the same just a different delivery system...
You guys have some strange ideas about organic. Cow manure can be organic. Most composted animal waste is typically a great organic fertilizer. I'm growing 100% organic myself and I use blood and bone meal as fertilizer.
Unless you are foliar feeding there won't be any nutrients in your green materials..
It doesn't matter.. organics need to break down to produce n p k.. synthetics don't!
They work the same just a different delivery system...
But this is making me feel really good about my plants :)