Cannabis light saturation


Active Member
Hello everyone on RIU

Been reading some articles about growing this beautiful form of life that we all love so much, trying to become better at it, and I came across this :

<<The data from Chandra et al. confirm that the optimal intensity of light for peak cannabis photosynthesis is between 500 and 700µmol (PPFD). It also shows that we should avoid going over 1000µmol (PPFD) in intensity which could lead to damage. With artificial lighting, the distribution of light is never perfect. Therefore, we want to ensure that all areas of the canopy get at least 500µmol (PPFD) and that no spot receives more than 1000µmol (PPFD). A target average of 700µmol (PPFD) is ideal. These limits are largely dictated by the concentration of CO2. Ambient CO2 levels are around 370µmol mol. When CO2 levels are higher, cannabis plants can process more light energy before they become limited. The data from Chandra et al. show that when CO2 concentrations are 750µmol mol, cannabis plants can perform well at a light intensity of 1500µmol (PPFD) without inducing photoinhibition. >>

I want to ask if is it true that at 700 PPFD, without additional CO2 supply, cannabis plant reaches peak photosynthesis and is more than enough to get decent yield results. If so, why is everyone obsessed with more light if not needed?