Cannabis (Marijuana) Dosage Effects - Tolerance


Well-Known Member
Editor's Note: The OP has been updating dosage info on most current thread page

Original post:
It's about time for a trippy, psychedelic marijuana thread!!!

This thread is all about bongs, blunts, bowls, and doobies.
This thread is not only dedicated for a first time smoker but for perhaps any of you who smoke on the daily.

I will be discussing the effects of cannabis at certain dosages, how it is consumed [smoking or ingesting], mixing cannabis with other psychedelic plants [psilocybin mushrooms..etc] or hallucinatory substances [LSD..etc]
and will even be discussing the tolerance of Cannabis (Marijuana).

I hope this thread helps anyone who decides to seek deeper into themselves and decides to get high.

:peace: Peace, Pot, and Acid Blots.




Smoking Cannabis Dosage


High Potency Bud [21% THC]:
30 mgs [ 0.03 grams ]: {Some Smoke} Light cerebral head buzz:
70 mgs [ 0.07 grams ]: {Half a Hit} Common, soaring high:
100 mgs [ 0.1 grams ]: {Common Size Toke}: Strong stoning effects:
500+ mgs [ 0.5+ grams ]: {Half Gram Hits}: Ego Death effects: anxiety is very common

High Potency Bud [21% THC]:
70 mgs [ 0.07 grams ]: {Half a Hit} Light cerebral head buzz:
150 mgs [ 0.15 grams ]: {Average Size Toke} Common, soaring high:
300+ mgs [ 0.3+ grams ]: {Strong Hit}: Strong stoning effects: Inert Senses [stoned]

High Potency Bud [21% THC]:
70 mgs [ 0.07 grams ]: {Half a Hit} Threshold Effects:
150 mgs [ 0.15 grams ]: {Average Size Toke} Light cerebral head buzz:
300 mgs [ 0.3 grams ]: {Strong Hit} Common, soaring high:
500+ mgs [ 0.5+ grams ]: {Half Gram Hits}: Strong stoning effects:

[Information brought to You by]
"Cannabis dosage is fairly easy to manage. A good method for determining your dose is to smoke a small amount (a quarter to two "hits"), wait 5-15 minutes, repeat as desired. The strength of cannabis products increased dramatically between 2000 and 2016. When considering waxes, oils, and other high potency extracts, always start smoking a tiny hit. For sensitive people, a mouth full of smoke from a high potency oil is enough to become confusingly stoned.

A single intake of smoke from a pipe, water pipe, or joint is generally called a hit. An average size hit from a pipe or water pipe weighs somewhere on the order of 1/20th of a gram. With reasonably high potency Cannabis buds, a small number of hits (1-3) is generally enough. The lower the potency the more hits people will need to achieve the desired effects.

Below is a chart with very approximate dosages for dry, smoked, high potency cannabis. These numbers will vary greatly depending on individual reaction, potency, and smoking method. Generally, brown leafy cannabis is not as strong as green, gold, purple sticky buds. There does exist "One Hit Shit" that can surprise even the veteran smoker with it's strength. Pay attention to your body's reaction when you first try a new type or a new smoking method, and be careful when introducing others to cannabis. Everyone reacts differently to different doses."



Orally Ingesting Cannabis Dosage

2-4 mgs
: Light cerebral head buzz:
5-10 mgs: Common, soaring high:
10-15+ mgs: Strong stoning effects:

5 mgs:
Light cerebral head buzz:
10 mgs: Common, soaring high:
10-20+ mgs: Strong stoning effects:

10 mgs:
Light cerebral head buzz:
15 mgs: Common, soaring high:
15-30+ mgs: Strong stoning effects:

Cannabis ~ High Potency Smoked Cannabis Dosages Effects. - No Tolerance:
Every time You smoke will strengthen, prolong and bring back the effects listed below.

Hang overs / grogginess are common at any dosage when having No Tolerance to Cannabis.
Holding a hit in twice as long will bring on 2x the dosage effects.
Holding a hit in three times as long will bring on 3x the dosage effects.

No Tolerance means it's been 2-3 days since You have smoked Cannabis!!!


0.025 grams: Microdose.
Slight buzz and mood lift. I wanted more 50 minutes after the first single hit.

0.05 grams: Soaring and body / cerebral head high that provokes happiness and creativity.
A bit anxious but went away very quickly. Feeling high and happy. Some CEVs.

Level 1 ~ {0.025 grams - 0.05 grams} ~ Cannabis [No Tolerance]


0.075 grams: Self contradictory and very introspective. Profound Over analyzations.
Slowed down and speed up thought process.
Breathing is heavy and kind of anxious. "I should have taken less." Wait 50 minutes...
Coming down and munchies felt good though; amazing sex and sensory enhancement [good and bad].
Some Time Dilatation and Slight Cottonmouth.

0.1 grams: Level 2 open and closed eye visuals. Full on Cannabis effects.
The peak for inexperienced users can instigate profound personal scenarios.
Paranoia, Fear, anxiety, and "ego death" effects are very common during the peak.
Cottonmouth and slowed down time is uncommon.

0.2 grams: Slight sensory overload. Over whelming sensory input [i.e. sounds wider, visuals, touch,...]
Slight Synesthesia; sensory enhancement [Third Eye Visuals and Synesthetic Imagery].
Hot flashes, 'triggers', and 'the itchies' are uncommon. Wicked cottonmouth.
[Dramatic scenarios may manifest Themselves during the peak.]
The coming down effects are way more zen, grounded, and peaceful.

"...Too much too fast." A lot like 0.1 grams.

0.3 grams: Delirium and 'zombie like state'. Quick tolerance gain and harsh smoke.
Nausea is sometimes common; especially with alcohol.

Level 2 ~ {0.075+ grams} ~ Cannabis [No Tolerance]

Cannabis ~ High Potency Smoked Cannabis Dosages Effects. - With Tolerance:
Every time You smoke will prolong or bring back the effects listed above.
Holding a hit in twice as long may bring on 2x the dosage effects.
Holding a hit in three times as long may bring on 3x the dosage effects.

Lower quality weed will take a higher dosage to get desired effects.

In higher dosages; All effects stated in lower dosages will be present.


0.025 grams: Microdose.

0.05 grams: Threshold effects. No effects.

0.075 grams: Slight buzz and mood lift.

0.1 grams: Chronic. Feeling of release and relief. Creativity and pleasure becomes apparent.
Extremely distractive thought patterns arise. Slightly self contradictory and introspective.
Absolutely NO anxiety at all; what so ever. Feeling slightly high and happy.
No CEVs.

0.2 grams: Muscle and mental relaxation; sacromere decompression. [Stay Hydrated!]
Visual and sensory enhancement. Forgetfulness and more distractive thought patterns.
Over analyzations are common mixed with Apathy; especially when mixed with alcohol.
Feeling of belonging, euphoria, fogginess, and insight.
[Brief Dissociation, Relief or Light Headedness can occur when consumed all in one hit.]

0.3 grams: Motivation. Starting to enter into Level 2.
Tapping into consciousness; [good and bad].
Mixing with other psychedelics will pronounce this effect.
Vacancy and preoccupied brain activity. Uncertain mini-revelations and epiphanies.
Gravity accumulation / sedimentation from muscle relaxation [i.e. chest pressure, breathing, posture.]
Some sinus congestion. Munchies, Muscle Relaxant, and Sleep Aid [much like 15 mgs of edibles].
Coming down effects are very lethargic like.
Smoking more can instigate energy and more "'mota'vation".


Level 1 ~ {0.025grams - 0.3 grams} ~ Cannabis [With Tolerance]


0.4 grams: Harsh 'Shaman' smoke. Chronic x4. Slowed down and speed up thought process.
Obvious change in consciousness, sensory enhancement, and mild visuals.
Personality, creativity, and imagination enhancement.
CEVs and anxiety are uncommon.

0.5 grams: Meditation Nation. Harsh 'Shaman' smoke. Chronic x5.
Slight Synesthesia; sensory enhancement [Third Eye Visuals and Synesthetic Imagery].
Feeling of emancipation and anticipation. Epiphanies and Over analyzations are common.
Slight cottonmouth and rare time distortions. Extremely creative and distractive.
Hot flashes, 'triggers', and 'the itchies' are uncommon.

0.6 grams: Full on Cannabis effects with tolerance [very similar to 30mgs of edibles].
Stoning, Tipping point. This is the highest You can get from Cannabis.
Beyond this is a waste of weed. Wait 15 minutes... Level 2 ~ Chronic x6.
Hedonism / endurance hang overs are common. A lot like 0.3 - 0.5 grams.

Level 2 ~ {0.4+ grams} ~ Cannabis [With Tolerance]

Remember, every time You smoke will prolong or bring back the effects listed above.
Smoking over 0.3 grams of Cannabis in 3-15 minutes; chronically [over and over again] will not reach above Level 2 unless mixed with other psychedelic drugs.


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This is a weird thread. Tripping and being very high are two different things hence the two categories. Just saying. Ego death from weed? I've never heard of that
I can't sit through an hour of that guy talking. What I saw seemed more than a little impressionistic.
I'm amazed at how you describe the effect of each dose! I think you are a real pro, thank you for the detailed information, it's very useful for beginners. I tried smoking it in different doses, but I didn't start with the smallest one. I started smoking with 12 mgs, but then I did not feel a strong effect, I don't know why. But the next time it was different because I had a few shots of tequila. It was the best night of my life, but I don't remember much of it. Now I smoke rarely (and at most 5 mgs) but I like the quality of this CBD, I recommend you visit this page, there I buy everything with a discount coupon code. I'll probably never smoke as much as I did when I was a teenager, but sometimes I want to remember that feeling.
Thank you very much for sharing this article. Many people who do not have sufficient knowledge of cannabis will find it interesting and, most importantly, useful
Thank you very much for sharing this article. Many people who do not have sufficient knowledge of cannabis will find it interesting and, most importantly, useful
After all, you described all the dosages, and how it affects the body, it's really very cool. And the duration of the effect of cannabis and other things, even I was interested. However, I am a person who has been smoking marijuana for a long time. But recently, I decided to try THC vapes. They say that they are much more convenient and get more buzz from them.
This thread doesn't make any sense at all. 0.5g "ego death" from Cannabis with no tolerance? I call bullshit! OP could never have experienced any ego death or traditional psychedelics with that statement.

You can experience intense psychedelic states with Cannabis but not at those dosages and I would never compare it to Mushrooms, LSD or mescaline.