Cannabis/Munchie courier service

Would you prefer picking up your medicine or having it delivered?

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Well-Known Member
What is going on fellow tokers.. As November is a great distance away i have came up with a brilliant idea for when medical marijuana becomes legal in the state of Florida of starting a small delivery service for patients who dont want to leave the privacy of their own home and my service would include the product (cannabis) along with a choice in muchies and beverages (patients would choose from a list of muchie products) now my question is what would it take for this to become a legit business? please dont state the obvious as November hasnt came yet. thanks in advance for some advice
Good luck with your venture.... sounds like a good idea, get in there early and myou may be on to something...... you can deliver to me but it will be a 12 hour nonstop flight....:peace:

You may want to rephrase the question in your poll, it is a bit confusing.... you are asking two questions in one so it is not possible to give a yes/no answer.

I voted "no", I would prefer not to pick up my medicine.... although I should have voted "yes", to have the medicine delivered....
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Well-Known Member
That sounds like a great idea, I wish the UK would hurry up and catch on!

I haven't voted cos you've given an either/or question with a yes/no answer and it confused me! Good luck with it though man :peace: