Cannabis, Pain killer without the constipation

Hello everybody. Obviously my name is Tim
I'm 62 years old, my health is not so good "bad back, bad heart, & copd" had to retire in 2011, did ok for several years nothing got any worse until about a year ago when my bad back that I've tolerated the pain for years really started to f**k with me big time, "old age" If I moved a certain way it would knock the wind right out of me. I had an MRI done and they were surprised I could even walk so, they put me on opiates and I became a happy camper for several months, but I came to the realization that I was pretty much useless and couldn't take a dump and had to take ex lax which gave me the runs so I had the nerves burnt which helped a lot. No total relief though but better.
Now the last time I smoked pot was around 1980, now I can't smoke anything and use edibles or tinctures. I ran into a friend of mine and his friend and told him about my situation and he gave me 4 oz of trim and f-ed up buds and showed me how to make a tincture with everclear - never heard of it, never seen it, had absolutely no clue. So the first time I tried it I though it was turpentine, but I got a pretty good buzz out of it and he told me the potency depended on a lot of things so the first batch I had to use about 1 - 2 ml for a good sleep at night.
The next batch I made myself and reduced it down to almost a tar, I only used 1 ml and boy I was totally fried for 20 hours, panic attacks and paranoia to boot. Not a big problem I did acid in the 70s.
So anyways, I'm on SS and growing my own to save money. It's kind of funny how everybody talks about the taste the smell and the looks of their prize buds because when I'm done with it looks and tastes like crap but it does the job. I just mix it with strawberry jelly and I don't like making cannabutter it just ruins the butter and I don't like it in brownies because If the potency is weak you might have to eat 4 - 5 brownies so I just don't bother. Well that's my story now I need to find out if a 1000w hps is too strong for a 4x4 tent.
Happy growing people


Well-Known Member
Right on dude,get off the pharm-soup. I can't believe it taking 4-5 brownies to get high though o_O

I'm thinkin the recipe needs some work, I'd hook you up with a brownie that half would knock you down for the day :eyesmoke:
Right on dude,get off the pharm-soup. I can't believe it taking 4-5 brownies to get high though o_O

I'm thinkin the recipe needs some work, I'd hook you up with a brownie that half would knock you down for the day :eyesmoke:
Like I said the trim I got the first time was freebe junk, mostly leafs