Cannabiscrusader's outdoor 20twenty4

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Snow finally melted, then blanketed the yard with over a foot, then melted again. Mid April, I'm just happy to be outside before the mosquitos take over!

I have a lot to do this season, if my body cooperates I should be able to get it done.

Few shots from last season to start us off I think are in order.

Fairly successful season last summer. But potency was definitely lacking. I thought I'd hunt beans all winter and stumble across something that does the trick, no luck yet.

This season I'm focusing on mold and mildew resistance while hoping to find some potent stoney strains at the same time.

I have 9 spots, and an additional 3 spots for some autos I'm going to start May 1st. Here's my list of definates.

Mother of berry (mob)
Freeze 7
Crippy x cripxmas
COPA testers (not sure how many)
Icy Grape x rainbow belts
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Measured up for some kind of roof structure to keep the rain off the nugs in September/October. I'm using the fence posts as the back wall. I had to move all my beds over so the spacing will work out, lots of digging and refilling.

Burning last years stems in one of the holes


Dude who owed me a hundo since before Thanksgiving finally came through with some scrap wood. I'm going to get to work making some 3x3 raised beds for my little outdoor Queens.


Neighbors have a kaboda chilling in the front. Mocking me. Kitty is going to piss on it for me.

very nice, check out Humboldt Seed Company, there Poddy Mouth seems to check all the boxes your searching! or check out Coastal Genetics, Grape Ape. Mix some Mr. B's Green Trees 7-4-4 into soil. excited for this season.
Got the last 5 beds built, just have to level them up and dig out the last 3.

very nice, check out Humboldt Seed Company, there Poddy Mouth seems to check all the boxes your searching! or check out Coastal Genetics, Grape Ape. Mix some Mr. B's Green Trees 7-4-4 into soil. excited for this season.
I got all my spots spoken for already. If I don't find what I'm looking for this season, I'll look into those, thanks. Some handsome bastard already sent me some Grape ape I think
I'll have to look through the bean stash.
Just popped some autos to take up the 3 new spots. Those spots won't be under the canopy, so it's best they finish in August. I popped

Queens banner s1
Otto orange x chunkadelic
Pineapple express

Don't think the pineapple express is an auto, but I found 2 beans from last season and it did very well outdoors. Fan favorite too from last year.

In all my wisdom, I've decided that my raised beds are raised too much. Aka, I didn't want to buy more dirt to fill them up. So i decided to edge around them, take them up, dig down around the edge and recess them. I got 4 done today.1000003836.jpg1000003837.jpg

Kitty helping me dig

We got approval from the zoning and planning committee (my wife) to terrace the back yard a bit and build a cucumber dome. So we'll be working on that in a bit. I have to get the Cucumbers and tomatoes in the ground soon. So I'd better get my ass in gear
In all my wisdom, I've decided that my raised beds are raised too much. Aka, I didn't want to buy more dirt to fill them up. So i decided to edge around them, take them up, dig down around the edge and recess them. I got 4 done today.View attachment 5390525View attachment 5390526

Kitty helping me dig

We got approval from the zoning and planning committee (my wife) to terrace the back yard a bit and build a cucumber dome. So we'll be working on that in a bit. I have to get the Cucumbers and tomatoes in the ground soon. So I'd better get my ass in gear

For a Sec , Thought you were growing real catpiss strain.

I had a custie with an interesting question, never going to happen.

Custie: can we rent a plot in your garden?
Me: rent a spot?
C: yes, you care for the plant, harvest and dry. (They know not about cure) and well rent the spot for say $200 and pick the seed.
Me: I will most definitely care for the plants, harvest, dry. And cure. You can rent the finished product by weight when I'm finished. Have a great day!

Basically, you do the same amount of work, and we'll pay you $200 and we get the whole plant lol. I ain't no sharecropper, and I don't buy my groceries from the company store. . Speaking of the company store, why can't I just give the grocery store $200 to keep my fridge stocked all year too! Sick deal. I'm going to try this out and see if it gains any traction.
Marked out where the cucumber tunnel is going, tore up the grass too. Bugs were crazy, so it's time to take a break. Waiting on my guy for some more wood too.

I've been grabbing so.e stones from the river when we go hiking for the retaining wall. Ira going to take a few trips, but we walk almost every day, so it shouldn't take too long.
If you have new developments being built nearby, I did my entire landscape "Borrowing" rocks when they dig in for the foundation. 1 or 2 every couple weeks doesnt hurt anyone.
If you have new developments being built nearby, I did my entire landscape "Borrowing" rocks when they dig in for the foundation. 1 or 2 every couple weeks doesnt hurt anyone.
When I was really little, we used to drive up to where I live now and my family built a cabin up here. My grandfather would tell all the kids how he put every rock in the Hudson River when he was a kid. I feel like it's my duty to grab a few for pops
Digging a slope flat takes a long damn little done, but it took forever. looks like I need to go collect some more river rocks. Put a dent in it today. Got one side all done, and started laying out the raised bed for the cucumber tunnel. Ripping up the grass to find a level plane was a pain. I better plant some more Cucumbers too.
I'll be planting Timothy hay and orchard grass in that corner. I hope to build a screened top so the guinea pig can just hang out in there while I tend to the garden. She's going to have a blast in the cucumber tunnel. Guinea pig's love cucumber peels!

I had to chip out some cement on the fence post so the 4x4 I put in there would sit level. That took about 1/2 hour with a hammer and chisel, and a sledge. Solid concrete I mixed up last year. Stacked another 4x4 on top of that and I think it looks lovely under the fence. I'll be back out there tomorrow after I hit the massage chair in the bteeding room upstairs. I need to take a hammer and chisel to my back.

Got 4 of the beds amended with mushroom compost, moo doo, dr earth 4-4-4 and 3-9-4. Mixed some leaves from last year in after I burned a few logs in each pit. I wait for the logs to burn down then smother them with dirt. Free biochar!

Lots of worms already. My wife counted 20 in one shovel full.

Waiting on some wood still. I showed my guy a picture of the purple pink meltdown I just harvested. That should light a fire under his ass bongsmilie
Looks great nice work.
Thanks! I feel like a bum because I haven't been out there in a few days. I had way too much shit to take care of with my indoor grow, then took a long ass hike with my wife yesterday.

I'd love to clone myself, but I think they would all come out like the retarded one from multiplicity.

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