For those of us who don't really like the taste of cannabutter, just toss your desired dosage of butter right on top of your favorite brand of ramen and enjoy - Tasty and cmon, ramen is good to begin with, and now it gets u stoned =]
ok kinda cool but lame try it on some blueberry strudel or a scone or a elephant ear like i did at the fair last night, took my own butter and got high next to state patrol at the fair ground here in western washington...... stupid pigs
finaly! arecipe that i can actualy make! i never got the nack of baking, thus my oven is pretty much just a hiding place for bongs and such when unexpected guests arrive.
I occasionally boil up some thin spahgetti noodles and then drizzle some olive oil over them and sprinkle on some Parmesan cheese just for something to eat. I'm think'n maybe saute-ing 3 grams of herb in a half cup of olive oil (maybe throw in some garlic) might make for an interesting twist on this dish.