cannazon sleath shipping?


does anyone know more about this I'm interested in buying from them but i can't seem to find anything about the shipping on the web. much appreciated!


New Member
If you were a member of Cannazon you would know. To be honest, Cannazon is not like Attitude, in that there are only few members, and they don't need people like you fucking it up for them. You want to know about shipping, ask the man who runs it, but don't put his shit on blast in a public forum.


Well-Known Member
if it was that you'd see people bitching like they do about Attitude imo, never tried them myself though.


you will get you shit...know it is your shit....but still wonder where it is...they have a few different methods for stealth shipping as my buddy orders that way from there, it had us both stumped for a minute one time....we were wasted though lol... I just order and have him send it....that his regular method is stealthy in my book.....hope this helps

Natural Gas

Active Member
Just today received my Hazeman; "G13BX2" and "Blowfish" order only eleven days after placing order with "The Zon" and I paid with postal money order that I sent by regular mail...No fees for stealth either...Freebies a little sketchy Kendogsmoke; "Sour Manga Grape" reg F2??? Anybody got a line on that...FWIW