cant get rid of the smell

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
ok i have one 3 week old plant in my closet

i have no ventilation what so ever

i have one small fan going

my plant is just out in the open in my closet and all i did to hide it was

i thumb tacked some sheets over my grow space so its sorta like a grow tent

what moves should i make next ? :roll:

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
oh and i forgot to say it stinks like dank city in my closet . . my mom walked in on me when i was sleeping in the morning . . and she was like whats that smell . . . i woke up and was like iono its my clothes or something LOL . . . i got lucky that time but im worried i wont be so fortunate next time .. any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Actually id wait untill night cycle box them up and move them. But my parents arent cool with pot (thats why i dont live with them.)


Well-Known Member
You need to isolate the plants airflow in a closed space and jettison it into a scrubbing medium. (I use an exhaust box with dryer sheets in it) Note: My house not just my room smells like dryer sheets when i do it.

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
how exactly should i do this mayne? and what does jettison mean/.? and whats a scrubbing medium . . .

thanks for your help dude


Well-Known Member
It may be easier to burn incense but if your moms got any sense she either probably thinks you smoke pot or knows you are growing (or she will when you start burning incense) C'mon most of our parents were hippys.

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
haha thats what i was thinking . . and ive been busted by her in the past a few times but that was like a few years ago . . i know right now she doesnt expect anything . . . but godkas can you explain to me what you were saying about jettison and scrubbing medium?>

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
would a carbon filter work in a grow tent?> lol i got blankets hanging up over my plants . . .and the smell became an issue way sooner then i thought

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
The main problem with trying to grow in a sealed space is that you are not introducing fresh, CO2 laden air nor are you getting rid of humidity from moisture transpired through the leaves and heat from your lights. Air temps and humidity will be unacceptably high in short order. The plants will come up spindly and moulds like powdery mildew may grow on leaves.

Some places are just not suitable for growing. Places which can't be properly ventilated or where unintended discovery is only a tacked bedsheet away might be among those places.


Well-Known Member
yeah, thats why i have everything in a cabinet with proper ventilation and exhaust systems so, i have a fan bringing in nice fresh air while filtering the bad through the carbon filter

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
well i got co2 and air movement . . . only think is my weed isnt sealed up its just under some blankets i call the grow tent . . . can someone tell me more on how to make a carbon filter or give me a link . . thanks for the help cuddies