can't get seeds to germinate

I picked up my seeds from sensi seeds in Amsterdam, but the latest batch won't germinate, I have them soaking in paper towel between to plates, it doesn't seem too hot or cold, just storing them at room temp.

any ideas?:leaf:


Active Member
i find that some strains like it nice and hot like about 85 to 90 to pop, i usually am impatient and bin them after 1 week.
what helps is if u get a matchbox put some fine grain sandpaper in bottom and shake it about, it scuffs the surface of the seed which allows moisture to penitate, i also soak seeds in glass of water for 24hrs before i put into paper towels


Well-Known Member
This is what I do. Take a container like a small food container and make sure it has a lid. Put warm water in the container and put the seed in there. When the seed drops to the bottom it means that it has cracked. From there you can either A) Let it germinate in the container of water or B) Transfer it to the paper towels. This method has always been 100% for me.


Well-Known Member
DO all this with a heat pad if you want. Personally I just put them in a cup of water on heat pad for 24hr then into their starter soil. Under a t-5 for veg. usually have leaves in 3days

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
I take seeds, put them in a match box that i have sandpaper glued to the bottom, close the matchbox with the seeds inside and shake it for about 20-40 seconds, this is scarifying, a technique to roughen up the outer layer on the seeds, it has worked wonders for me, i dont bother with really good seeds, just one's im on the fence about, and Sensi seeds can take a while to germ, i had 2 Shiva Skunk seeds that took 5 days to germ, while the other 8 took about 48 hrs. patience, discipline.


Active Member
Yeah, I'm germming seeds and it can drive you crazy when you need an exact number of plants. 2 seeds germmed in like 12 hours, within 48 hours 5 out of 6 had. Do I wait on the 6th or do I start another? ARGH! Sucks!

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
wait, it can take 4-5 days or more for some seeds, just keep the soil damp and the heat around 70 degrees and water should be room temp or 70 degrees as well.


Active Member
your shootin your self in the foot, you can never trust seeds, period, you still got to get-em to grow, could still lose one or two, and no don't wait, and put three new, just in case they don't grow, many a sort-of germed seed will not grow.
i soak mine in a shot glass of r/o water on top of my t5 light with a solo cup over it till you can see the husk has cracked then put in the wet paper towel in a small zip lock bag to keep the humidity up for at least another day or so until there is a nice lil white finger coming out. I have been about 95% with this method and the longest it has ever took to crack has been like 2 days. Or the down side is that maybe you just got some beans that wont pop.


Well-Known Member
wait, it can take 4-5 days or more for some seeds, just keep the soil damp and the heat around 70 degrees and water should be room temp or 70 degrees as well.
70 is fine but 80-85 has been working fast for me its what my T5's run at and heat pad......I don't put heat pad in with T5 cab its warm enough in there.


Active Member
So it took a while, but the Cheese finally popped a taproot. 2 days after 5/6 had. It's like an inch long over night too. Gotta get it into the rockwool tonight.. guess the little bugger was so pent up that it exploded.


Active Member
Yeah I just hope it's the right seed. Checking it the other day and I dropped it. Spent 20 minutes looking for it on the carpet. Only found one seed in the whole room so damn I hope it's the right one lol!