Cant root my clones! Tried everything. Any help


Active Member
I have tried 3 different times to root clones. They just wont take root. The last ones i kept for over a month and not so much as a single root. I dont have an elaborate setup. But ive read about everyone just cutting using rooting hormones, then put on a heating pad in water, then wait. But no success any tips. I really need these clones.
Keep it simple.
Start with a healthy mother.
Plastic wrap, a cooler, a fluorescent light, soil and rooting hormone.
Cut at the node. Dip into rooting hormone. Place in moist soil in a cup. Mist your cuts really well. Place in cooler. Cover with plastic wrap. Cut some slits for ventilation. Place light over/ on top of cooler. Decide what is appropriate for light height, just not too hot. The cooler will maintain temp and humidity.
Open the cooler and mist plants twice a day with water or maxi-crop. 10-14 days should be rooted.
I have tried 3 different times to root clones. They just wont take root. The last ones i kept for over a month and not so much as a single root. I dont have an elaborate setup. But ive read about everyone just cutting using rooting hormones, then put on a heating pad in water, then wait. But no success any tips. I really need these clones.

Go all in and chop the main stem right at the soil line, lol. There's lots of methods search them out and try different methods till one works.
Keep it simple.
Start with a healthy mother.
Plastic wrap, a cooler, a fluorescent light, soil and rooting hormone.
Cut at the node. Dip into rooting hormone. Place in moist soil in a cup. Mist your cuts really well. Place in cooler. Cover with plastic wrap. Cut some slits for ventilation. Place light over/ on top of cooler. Decide what is appropriate for light height, just not too hot. The cooler will maintain temp and humidity.
Open the cooler and mist plants twice a day with water or maxi-crop. 10-14 days should be rooted.
If the cooler maintains humidity why would you need to keep spraying them?
Check out this method:

Stimulates them when rooting in soil. And if using maxi-crop a foliar feed. The humidity domes prevents wilt, but very little moisture is absorbed this way. Fresh water is good. Its a mist, not a drench with large droplets. Otherwise a sealed warm moist place with no air exchanges or fresh water will mush plants. Really only needs dome for humidity or plastic for 3-4 days or at night if cold.
You need to tell us what you got as far as your cloning method for help.
I did what i got from greenhouses, they just cut, use rooting hormone put in water with a heating pad. It works every time for them. Thats my setup. The only thing ive not tried is cutting at the node. Think that makes much difference?
I did what i got from greenhouses, they just cut, use rooting hormone put in water with a heating pad. It works every time for them. Thats my setup. The only thing ive not tried is cutting at the node. Think that makes much difference?
Glass of water? If you want to clone directly in water look up how to make a simple bubble cloner, no hormones, cost about $25. Alternatively for $100 you can buy an aero cloner on amazon, again no hormones needed. If you want to clone for less you can pick up a propagation tray for under 5 bucks and fill Dixie cups with your medium of choice with hormone. My advice is get the moisture/temp right from beginning and don’t even look at them for 2 weeks. A lot of people mist every day and it might work for them, but in good conditions not needed. The strike zone is largest with aero-cloners but once you get used to any style it’s easy.
Yes, it definitely matters where you cut. Also the location on the plant matters as well. I tend to have more success when cutting on the lower portion of the mom, although success at the upper portion is possible too. Go to Walmart, get their jiffy pellet seed starting kit for $10. It comes with about 16 pellets, a tray and dome. Soak the pellets in water, wait for them to swell, give them a slight squeeze to remove excess liquid, definitely get some clonex or powder rooting hormone, dip the clone in either of the 2, insert in the pellet. Spray the dome and leaves, place dome back on the tray under a light but not directly. ( Make sure the light isn’t very strong ) Since you have a heating pad use it, better if you could control the temp. Wait at least 12-14 days, voila! Roots. Make sure you cut the tips of the leaves off to stop the plant from trying to use photosynthesis to grow, but instead focus on growing roots. Good luck.
Stick the cutting in the top of your mister ...... 8 days later ..... just tap water ..... no dome.


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Have you tried letting the cutting sit in water for a few days first then tossing it in a cup with soil? Keeping it super simple is usually the best way to go. I struggle to get humidity over 40% here so I was shocked when this method gave me the most consistent results.
I might have to get one of those for chits and giggles. After water cups, jiffy pellets and rockwool cubes, I’ve skipped that whole process and throw my clones straight into soil. Roots in 7 days every time. And they tend to grow better and stronger and not have any transplant issues because they started in soil.
Damp coco and and some rooting compound. The cheap powdered stuff is fine. roots within ten days. No tubs, no water, pumps, or anything else. Just cut clones, dip in rooting powder, and stick in coco. Put on a tray with a dome for a couple days. Remove dome and wait for roots to show. Easy, takes up little room, and clones can easily be moved. I made a cloner years ago but stopped using it because it took up too much room, I got tired of dealing with a tub of water, pumps, etc... Cloning cannabis is not complicated. I've tossed trimmings outside into the compost pile and had them root.
After several failed attempts with coco and cell trays, I decided to clone in perlite. I take a solo cup and put 4 holes around the base, 1 inch from the bottom, and a few holes in the bottom. Then I fill them with perlite and set them in a sterilite tote filled with 3/4" of water. After the perlite is hydrated, I stick in my cuttings, sometimes using a bamboo skewer to loosen up the perlite. I like to cut at a 45º angle just below the node. I use the lid to control humidity, no heat mat.

I've been wanting to upgrade to an aerocloner for awhile now, but haven't felt the need since my perlite method works so well.