Cant tell if its a hermie or female pic attached


:roll::cry:Need to find out ASAP or i will just pull it,looks to be a hemie has lotta white hairs on othe side thed balls popped mout since this a.m.



Active Member
It is a good pic. I'd personally like one closer to the node in question. Can you use the macro function of your camera and get one closer?
I'm not certain what exactly it IS, but I do not believe it is female. Don't hold me to that till you can provide me a closer (and still clear) pic of the node.

From what I see, it looks like balls. Not a mix. And I don't see any stigmas; only new leaf growth.

Is this your only plant? Is this the first to show sex of all the plants you have? If it is one/the first to show sex, again, very likely to be male.


Active Member
Of course it can grow a little while more too before it will pollinate anything. You do have time to find out what it is before it HAS TO be removed.


thanks ,the time thing concerned me, I have 2 lovely ladies for sure dont need no seeds last year ,not 1 seed great yeild even after kids devowered some ,Alot of the buds have sensor now just like care alarm motion but close and 4ft it will squeal if you dont hit your fob about 10 feet away or yor below 4foot high then the dogs go crazy in the house only had one problem middle of day red tail hauk landed on cart yard looks over protected wetlands / bird sanctuary only way in is through the gate


Well-Known Member
Sorry to be the bringer of bad news fella. but it looks like a male to me.

Take it to your local police station and plant it outside for a laugh. lol

Good luck with your next grow....