Carbon Filter Questions


Well-Known Member
1. Will my carbon filter last longer if I leave it unhooked until the garden starts to smell?

2. I filter my air at the intakes of the tent so do I need to install the white prefilter that came with my Phresh 6" x 24" filter?
1. yes. you could probably get away with not using it during veg, but there will be some smell; however, as soon as you start to 12/12 be sure to use the filter.

2. yes-you will be surprised at how dirty it gets! change it regularly so your filter lasts longer. did you order extras? i need to change mine about every three months.
1. Will my carbon filter last longer if I leave it unhooked until the garden starts to smell?
A: Yes leave it in a dry place, even in its packing bag, what ruins filters ain't the dirt but the Hi damp that blocks the effectiveness
avoid using during high Rh weather

2. I filter my air at the intakes of the tent so do I need to install the white prefilter that came with my Phresh 6" x 24" filter?
A: avoid this... its the smell of 'weed; that you are attempting to filter out, unless you live in a dirty/dusty place, leave the inlet passive and filter free
1. Will my carbon filter last longer if I leave it unhooked until the garden starts to smell?
A: Yes leave it in a dry place, even in its packing bag, what ruins filters ain't the dirt but the Hi damp that blocks the effectiveness
avoid using during high Rh weather

2. I filter my air at the intakes of the tent so do I need to install the white prefilter that came with my Phresh 6" x 24" filter?
A: avoid this... its the smell of 'weed; that you are attempting to filter out, unless you live in a dirty/dusty place, leave the inlet passive and filter free

If I leave the inlets filter free don't I run the risk of bugs and mold spores getting in the tent? My tent is in the garage which obviously opens to the outdoors.
If I leave the inlets filter free don't I run the risk of bugs and mold spores getting in the tent? My tent is in the garage which obviously opens to the outdoors.
pot grows perfectly fine outdoors amongst bugs and spores. if u get an infestation it was most likey guna hapen filter or not
1. Will my carbon filter last longer if I leave it unhooked until the garden starts to smell?
A: Yes leave it in a dry place, even in its packing bag, what ruins filters ain't the dirt but the Hi damp that blocks the effectiveness
avoid using during high Rh weather

2. I filter my air at the intakes of the tent so do I need to install the white prefilter that came with my Phresh 6" x 24" filter?
A: avoid this... its the smell of 'weed; that you are attempting to filter out, unless you live in a dirty/dusty place, leave the inlet passive and filter free


You're exactly right! stop those mold spores from getting in any way you can!

You're exactly right! stop those mold spores from getting in any way you can!
Amazing you ran outta shit to copy and paste, so now you C&P one day you may just wanna grow a pair..?

"don't I run the risk of bugs and mold spores getting in the tent?.."
This is true but the hard earned fact of growing weed,

is these spores are with you from the day you germ ur first,

to the day you quit ..and then some

these spores, by far the vast majority are very 'safe' that is until you set the conditions

for growing these spores, in most cases most growers are unaware until far too late

basically thats 15c/59F ..60%plus Rh which happens to be a good time to fit up that filter

again its your choice, ur weed

good luck
Amazing you ran outta shit to copy and paste, so now you C&P one day you may just wanna grow a pair..?

"don't I run the risk of bugs and mold spores getting in the tent?.."
This is true but the hard earned fact of growing weed,

is these spores are with you from the day you germ ur first,

to the day you quit ..and then some

these spores, by far the vast majority are very 'safe' that is until you set the conditions

for growing these spores, in most cases most growers are unaware until far too late

basically thats 15c/59F ..60%plus Rh which happens to be a good time to fit up that filter

again its your choice, ur weed

good luck

You're only insulting yourself V...

I think he has and is talking about intake air filters for that particular question on the intake air...
I run them on my home building intakes or full size HEPA intake filters on the others....and that should be the point....

TeDeboy, you should be filtering the air coming into the room you have the tent IN to be more effective.

I refuse to belittle myself by insulting you.....Vostok

pot grows perfectly fine outdoors amongst bugs and spores. if u get an infestation it was most likey guna hapen filter or not

Of course it does. the natural rain remove the spores every time it rains! The rain pH generally will kill many of the spores too..

Ah nature..
