Carbon filter test with cigarette smoke, please help!


yesterday i mounted carbon filter to my small grow room.. I ordered a kit which included fan, filter, ducting and few other things.

I gave it a test with cigarette smoke, and i did still smell it on the other side. It was not the same smell as directly smelling the smoke, but rather like you know... For example similar to old cigarette smell in computer fans(If people smoke in the room with computer; if you know what i mean)? Or similar to what clothes smell after being indoor with smokers..

It is a Coco brand of filter, 125mm type. I think the flow should be right, as it was together in kit.. I also have a negative pressure, air is sucking trough the filter and then fan and leaving trought exhaust.

Is there something wrong with my filter???
I was thinking, and hoping, that the smoke was too DENSE, as i said to my girlfriend to hold the cigarette under the filter, and it was smoking towards filter in a streight line.
Was that a problem? Too big density of smoke and carbon couldnt handle it?

Please let me know. Anyway i was about to buy ozon generator to put near exhaust in other room..



Active Member
Battling smell in a residence is just that, a battle. I can tell you this. I have a very nice phresh filter in my bloom room and can still smell a cigarette being smoked in there. I treat my house as if there were cops on my block all the time. I burn incense, candles, cook alot in the kitchen, and ALWAYS use dryer sheets in the dryer. When people enter or leave my house, I spray a little ozium out the door.

There are things you can do to extend the life of your carbon filter but nothing beats a new one every year.


A good filter should remove all smell.... What you describe however is perfectly normal because carbon filters do NOT remove all particulates. And what you are smelling is the soot/ash as it comes in contact with your nose, not the "smell" of the smoke.

A real test of a carbon filter is to spray some perfume/cologne into the intake. I guarantee a good filter will remove ALL smell. I've tried this with my rhino filter, put 4 sprays directly on the intake and not a single smell was noticed at the other end.

And re: filter life. My originalhas lasted over 3 years, 10+ grows. It's still going even during full flower. It is almost done though because I can smell a faint smell of prunes coming through, but it don't smell like weed at all.

These days though the filters are getting smaller and lasting less, the difference between a 3 and 2 year lifespan is an additional 1/3rd profit for the manufacturer and almost NO negative impact from the consumer. after all we consider ourselves lucky to get 18 months......


Active Member
You also have to remember that the fan/filter combo is cleaning the whole room at however many cfm output you are producing from your setup. If you maintain good air circulation along with exhausting your carbon scrubbed air, you will be fine.