Carbonated water as substitue for Co2?


Active Member
I have heard that during flowering, if you are unable to obtain a co2 tank, that spraying your plants with carbonated water can act as the same thing just not as much. Is this correct?


Active Member
as far as ive read ya it works you just have to keep misting them as much as possible but im using selzter water to get the mCO2 cuz club soda contains high amounts of sodium which clogs your plants pores up, seltzer water contains nothing besides carbonated water ahah


Well-Known Member
yea it works not the greatest but if ur going to be with ur plants all day it works i always used arrowhead sparkling water no sodiun


Well-Known Member
dnt know dawg. i do know my boy start his og farm usen that..its long gone now on to the tanks..he did welll. i just picked up some this mornig first day usen...ill keep you posted if you keep up with this thread...peace


Well-Known Member
:roll:this is the stuff im 5buks a six pack at wally world..can get costly over time..(ebt helps for us broke ppls) at least till harvest anyway..hahaha:lol:

