Card time wait 2015?


I just recently ( 09/21/2015) sent in my paper work and my money order was cashed on (09/28/2015), How long until hard card comes in the mail assuming i dont get denied?


Well-Known Member
Mine took about a month and my other family members was pretty much exactly the same .......the fastest I've had it come is 3weeks. Good luck


Wow thanks for such a fast reply. Hoping it comes next week.. Will keep everyone posted. Just trying to see how long its been taking people lately!


Well-Known Member
I just recently ( 09/21/2015) sent in my paper work and my money order was cashed on (09/28/2015), How long until hard card comes in the mail assuming i dont get denied?
Mine took 24 days from when I popped it in the mail to when I had the card in hand.


Well-Known Member
About the same deal here. Sent mine in on 9/30 and the state cashed it on 10/7, I'm hoping mine will get here by the 21st. Good luck man, bet it arrives soon.


Well-Known Member
Definitely. Not sure if seed and dispensary shopping is helping or making it worse. I know it's not going to show up this early, but I checked the mail today anyway. Then remembered it's a holiday, lol. When it does show up I'm heading to Lansing, that's all I know!


Definitely. Not sure if seed and dispensary shopping is helping or making it worse. I know it's not going to show up this early, but I checked the mail today anyway. Then remembered it's a holiday, lol. When it does show up I'm heading to Lansing, that's all I know!
Ive definitely been online shopping too much haha. But yeah, I forgot mail doesnt come on Columbus day.


Well-Known Member
Last cards took about a month. Caregiver card just took 6 weeks due to background check and whatnot.