Catch a bad buzz? Don't expect a refund for your marijuana purchase


Well-Known Member
No Issues growing or buying off ANYONE ELSE known to you!:weed::idea::hump::clap::finger:(:

A Toronto resident who describes herself as a "seasoned" marijuana smoker says she was not ready for what she called a "bad trip" after smoking sativa marijuana ordered from the Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS).
Jessica Weiser says she smokes marijuana for medical and relaxation reasons. When it was legalized, she started buying it online.
"I sort of got into it again with legalization and I did the research and found that it can alleviate certain conditions," Weiser said.


Weiser says that within minutes of smoking the sativa brand, she had a bad reaction that made her feel sick for hours.
"It was really unpleasant. Right away I knew I had a bad high," she said. When she examined the pot, she felt it must have been part of a bad batch and demanded a $42 refund. She also felt the pot should be tested.
"I took photos of it and enlarged them and I could clearly see mould, holes and what is bud rot, I’ve learned," Weiser said.
The Ontario Cannabis Store responded to her complaint and said that the dizziness and disorientation she felt was a common side effect of using cannabis and that a refund would not be granted.
"We take consumer complaints seriously and only sell tested, traceable, quality-assured cannabis from producers licensed by Health Canada," a spokesperson for the OCS told CTV News Toronto. “Less than 0.01 percent of total sales have resulted in product quality complaints year to date."
You can only return marijuana products that have not been opened within 14 days. Weiser believes the policy is unfair.
"It wasn't that I wasn't happy with it. I was sick from it/ There is a big difference," she said. “I would like not only a refund, I would like the marijuana tested to find out exactly what's wrong with it."
The OCS said all complaints are investigated by the licensed producer and resolutions are communicated back to the customer. As for Weiser, her case is closed and she won't be getting a refund.
suck it up ..anyone who buys this shit is a complete idiot being fooled by greeedy Mofos..
nothing new with new greedy business plans eh ;)
So shes seasoned but somehow decided to get back into it? Hmmmm.............. Sounds like she USED to be a regular user and by her own admission decided to get back into it. Another case of someone not being able to handle their cannabis. LP cannabis at that :spew:
It's hilarious because we keep reading in the media about how the black market doesn't offer quality control or refunds. But neither does the legal Market for double the price....
We have always had quality control.................WE DON'T BUY SHIT!!:idea:
We have refunds.......................................................WE ALWAYS TAKE IT BACK!!!!:idea::idea:
Legal Market sells poison shit and will not refund anything !!!:idea::idea:

This is a Known fact for most people in this industry...The feds just dont have a fucking clue about how this deal goes..
sure is funny as shit to watch them flop around like fish out of water..
We have always had quality control.................WE DON'T BUY SHIT!!:idea:
We have refunds.......................................................WE ALWAYS TAKE IT BACK!!!!:idea::idea:
Legal Market sells poison shit and will not refund anything !!!:idea::idea:

This is a Known fact for most people in this industry...The feds just dont have a fucking clue about how this deal goes..
sure is funny as shit to watch them flop around like fish out of water..

watching some guy on BNN today, basically calling for a crackdown on the BM....because of this....

why not a forced alignment by the lp's down to below black market prices..they know they can do it easily.....
you can't force anything on the BM...but you can with the lp's....
come on will figure it out.

Its funny how their answer is to always start kicking down doors of those nasty evil black market dealers... but even though they know this can't is their only go to....since they think it makes them sound they are gonna scare all these dealers because some journalist calls for the defeat of the black market....dude you give yourself way to much credit to having any kind of influence in the culture.....
They wanna be able to jam courts with MAKE WORK PROJECTS thats all this shit is really
OH well they can fight it..BULLSHIT
More proof that when you take the approach that money fixes everything all you get a massive overhead. Also proof that even with all the money and advantages they STILL can't cut it. Imagine how quickly they'd be BURIED in a free and fair market? Wouldn't last a month.
More proof that when you take the approach that money fixes everything all you get a massive overhead. Also proof that even with all the money and advantages they STILL can't cut it. Imagine how quickly they'd be BURIED in a free and fair market? Wouldn't last a month.
poison swag would be like newspapers in hells kitchen..