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I went down to check on my 2 white widow girls in the corn this afternoon, and found spots on my buds where pistils were turning brown prematurely. My immediate fear was caterpillars. I pulled apart 2 buds, and didn’t see any signs of cats or their poop, but my eyes admittedly suck. I’ve been super busy and haven’t sprayed BT yet, but I am going to find time to soak the girls today or tomorrow AM. It would really suck if much damage is done because these buds are incredibly sticky alreadyView attachment 5324081
Yesterday late afternoon/evening I hit the plants with BT. Took a closer look this morning and cut out some more buds. Sprayed the cuts with hydrogen peroxide 3%. I still don’t see signs of cats. I think this may be mold/rot unrelated to cats. I do have a couple of peach trees in the yard that suffered from brown rot this year. I sprayed the plants with Dr Earth fungicide 5 days ago, but that didn’t prevent whatever I have. I just ordered some Growers Ally Crop Defender 3 in 1…Amazon said it should arrive tomorrow. I have a bad feeling this may escalate quickly, which would totally blow, as these buds are already extremely sticky. The plants are 7 feet tall and full of potential. Ugh.
Also wanted to add that it hasn’t been what I would consider mold/rot weather lately. It’s sunny, hot, and rain free. After today, the forecast is for 5 days of showers and thunderstorms…that’s going to make things more difficult.
warning, growing in corn fields will lead to your plants being sprayed along with the corn, with some not very nice chems. so just a warning
Did some more remediation today. Removed one small branch showing signs of browning. So far, only one of my 2 plants, the most advanced plant, is being affected. I soaked both plants with Dr Earth fungicide again, while I wait for Growers Ally to arrive. I had mentioned that I have a couple peach trees that had brown rot. I cleaned up more fallen peaches and dumped them in the rotten peach pile, which is under a pine tree in the back. The peaches are about done. Any remaining peaches are going straight to the trash. I made a strong bleach/water mix, and soaked the peach pile. If any spores have been getting to the weed from the pile, hopefully they have been killed. I have sulphur dust that I might dump on the pile tomorrow as well. I also want to spray the fruit trees tomorrow, as well as the grass underneath them. Also might hit some of the surrounding corn stalks with sulphur. I don’t use sulphur on the weed itself. Basically trying to remove any source of spores that I can. Then comes what looks like 5 days of showers and storms. Ugh. If I lose this war, it won’t be from not fighting.
In the almost 2 weeks since my initial post, I removed a few buds that looked like they had rot. We had 5 days or so of rain showers and thunderstorms. One severe storm with 2.25 inches of rain, pea sized hail, and strong winds. Made it thru that relatively well. Prior to rain last night, things dried out nicely with sunny days and cool nights this past week. I am concerned about the shorter, most advanced of my 2 plants. From what I can see, all the pistils are brown. Calyx’s are swollen. The leaves are yellowing. That’s the only plant that I’ve removed rot from. It seems way too early to be ripe. Usually I shoot for the first hard frost to harvest. She’s only been in flower 6 or 7 weeks. Could all these browned out pistils be a sign of rot? Almost tempted to pull her. The taller girl is bright green and stacking. If the shorter girl is sick, wouldn’t want her to take out the healthy plant. IMG_0653.jpegIMG_0652.jpegIMG_0651.jpegIMG_0650.jpegFYI, I just sprayed my 2nd application of growers ally 3 in 1 crop defender on both. Had been using Dr Earth previously. Will do another hit of BT in the near future, but haven’t spotted any cats.
Tried to get some closer pics of the plant that’s been concerning me. I see a lot of buds that appear to have brown pistils, but not rot…but I see buds that look like they may have rot. What do you think? Here’s a sample…IMG_0657.jpegIMG_0656.jpegIMG_0654.jpeg
The growers ally stuff didn’t do shit for me in the mold fighting war. I used the 3 n 1 crop defender and the fungicide.Didn’t slow the mold down one bit. Seems like i did have less bug damage than usual though. I just switched to zerotol. Hopefully it’ll do something. Have lost alot this year.
This is what use. Says you can spray up to harvest. But I wouldn’t soak the buds. Definitely kills feeding cats. And I have these little black and white bugs here too that no one has seen. Kills them too I noticed when it’s the upper buds that get affected it’s more than likely butterfly’s or moths laying larva, they land on the high parts of the plant. Then turn into caterpillars.


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Pulled plant #1 Thursday before our annual trip to the shore. Her early ripening and spots of rot were troubling me. Tropical storm Ophelia and it’s remains have dropped 3.25” of rain since Saturday, and the drizzle and light rain continues with temps in the 50s. Glad I got her out. We’ll see how she dries in the shed. Plant 2 remains. I cleanup up around her, removed some corn stalks around her, and groomed out some fan leaves. She has more room w/o #1 up against her. So far she remains bright green, and is putting on weight. Knock on wood, no signs of rot. Will spray her once this incessant drizzle stops. The goal is to harvest at the first hard frost. Will post a pic within the next couple of days.
Plant 1 drying in the shed. Had to remove a couple buds with rot, but knock on wood, doesn’t look widespread. Plant 2 soaking up some much needed sunshine after 7+ inches of rain in sept. Forecast is for several sunny warm days in a row.IMG_1004.jpegIMG_1003.jpegIMG_1002.jpeg
Plant 1 drying in the shed. Had to remove a couple buds with rot, but knock on wood, doesn’t look widespread. Plant 2 soaking up some much needed sunshine after 7+ inches of rain in sept. Forecast is for several sunny warm days in a row.View attachment 5331744View attachment 5331745View attachment 5331746
Nice plants. Hopefully you get to save most of your harvest from mold. I’ve been dealing with the same crap. I’m on the upper east coast, and we have our first day of sun, and temps above 68F today. It’s been much needed.
Nice plants. Hopefully you get to save most of your harvest from mold. I’ve been dealing with the same crap. I’m on the upper east coast, and we have our first day of sun, and temps above 68F today. It’s been much needed.
Yeah they’re calling for upper 70s and low 80s here through Thursday, some showers next weekend, then much cooler next week. Fed plant #2 with some bloom booster yesterday. This ought to be a great week for adding some weight, then next weeks cooler weather should help ripening. Trying to hold out until the first hard frost for harvest. Will spray some BT tomorrow.
This is what use. Says you can spray up to harvest. But I wouldn’t soak the buds. Definitely kills feeding cats. And I have these little black and white bugs here too that no one has seen. Kills them too I noticed when it’s the upper buds that get affected it’s more than likely butterfly’s or moths laying larva, they land on the high parts of the plant. Then turn into caterpillars.
I used this in veg a couple of times and have only seen some leaf hoppers and 2 caterpillars total. But i was told that you cannot use in flower because it contains saposoid? IDK for sure js. I have been using bt once a week and lost coast a couple times a week and so far so good even after over a week of rain winds and tropical condition.
Just as I exhale a sigh of relief due to the warm, dry weather, I find 2 spots of bud rot on remaining white widow #2. First rot found on that plant thus far. Shit, shit, shit. Removed the spots, sprayed with hydrogen peroxide, then used the last of my 3 in 1 crop defender on a plant drenching. Even after a bunch of toppings, she’s still 8.5 feet tall. I was reaching up to check a high branch for rot, and it snapped off. Buds are getting heavy. I really want to wait a few weeks till the first hard frost, but if the rot becomes too much, she may come down early. Hopefully I contained any rot issues today. Ugh, the joys of outdoor growing….