Caught growing in Ohio


Just got indicted today..

F2 - Cultivation of Marijuana over 5000 grams
F2 - Trafficking over 5000 grams
F5 - possession of methanphetamines - mdma
F5 - possession of criminal tools - idk what the fuck this is ha

I have a good lawyer, just wanted any input or prior experiences.

:leaf:Legalize it

Mr. Outdoors

Well-Known Member
In ohio it seems to me that it all depends on what county you live in. For instance, I know some one who got busted in one county that had 80 plants, 12lbs dried and jarred, $25,000 in cash. Got a lawyer and got probation. His first offense. On the news in a bordering county,an older couple the wife had cancer. He had 2 plants growing in their garden. His sister in law called the cops. He was sentenced to 18 months. First offense.


New Member
Man, the marijuana penalties in this country, especially my state (Tennessee) are ridiculous...

No offense intended, but I think (as a previous poster said), you're fucked. Not that I'm glad about it. To the contrary, I feel your pain and wish you the best.

Probably some fucking Bible-belt born cop arrested you...fuck him.

Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
yeah i really was'nt looking at the bud you had, i was looking at that trafficking charge and the possession of the MDMA, those are pretty much mandatory sentences


Active Member
Please tell us how you got caught.

I would seriously consider going homeless somewhere warm and with lots of drugs like San Francisco. Never use your name again, tell people you're from a different state, and shave your head.


Depends how you got booked , If they had a bum warrant then your good just ride it out, if not then you might being doing some time