Cell Phones


Well-Known Member
How many of u on here use your cell phone for everything fb,riu,pics for riu,email...ive been thinking does me turning off all my gps tracking really help or u think they are still tracking us


Well-Known Member
How many of u on here use your cell phone for everything fb,riu,pics for riu,email...ive been thinking does me turning off all my gps tracking really help or u think they are still tracking us
......................................................if you have a phone "THEY" know where you are :)


Well-Known Member
Ya I was thinking about this the other day, when I took a picture on my iPhone of some buds I had just bought, then I was looking in my photos and saw there was a map button, I pushed it and it showed that picture with the pin at my house :O


Active Member
yup people always say download the torent version or sumthin

but i used my real email i go on IG and FB. but i feel like u should be okay as long as u have nothing that makes u obvious. like getting snitched on. but if u have a couple plants i bet they dont give a shit


Active Member
Ya I was thinking about this the other day, when I took a picture on my iPhone of some buds I had just bought, then I was looking in my photos and saw there was a map button, I pushed it and it showed that picture with the pin at my house :O
always make sure GPS is turned off when uploading to the site ;)


Well-Known Member
no smart fon..jus a janky 2 way walkie and no fb... got a few plants growin here n there and never in trouble..point is!..your ALWAYS a blip on the radar! jus try to stay as small of a blip as possible!!;-)


Well-Known Member
Guys, there are dozen of thread on cell phones and security already. If you know your device is capable of GO tracking, the most logical thing to do is turn it off, or if you stillness insecure, don't use a smartphone at all. If you are that paranoid, why are you on this site at all? I don't mean it on a mean way, but of you really think your little grows are of interest to the Feds, just don't do it.

Personally, I use my phone for just about everything. My iPhone is. Fabulous tool for work, school, recreation and travel. Only last week I had to look up the fastest bus and train route in an unfamiliar area on the fly to get Tip Top to the bus station on time. I use it for writing notes and essays, reading guitar tabs,video, social networking, maps, bookings, checking email form my tutors when I don't have access to a computer etc. A smartphone is a powerful tool. You just need to know how best to use it and not let others use it to get to you. I mean people were freakingbout about WiFi when it first came out but it's down to you to not be using an unsecured network


Well-Known Member
no more cell phones, i hardly use mine as it is and its annoying to try and keep putting numbers and and stuff in there. google everything i need for food and water and not much else, assure phone for jobs and nothing else in life is needed.


Well-Known Member
Lol, gave it all up. I do use my yahoo msngr for texting other people on their phones. in fact its really the only way of getting a hold of me. txt my yahoo, find me on RIU, stop by my cave. As iv said, minions are great, you should get some.....


New Member
you laugh but that shit happens. Technology has come a long way. Your average joe shmo can listen to conversations thru tapped phones


Well-Known Member
what I found interesting is that you can have them locate a phone that has a dead battery and is on vibrate. It sounds to me like there is no way to truely hide the location of your phone in any way, shape or form.



Well-Known Member
The thing is we KNOW everything CAN be traced by some convoluted means, but who is icky to track you and what makes you so special. It's unlikely someone with the capabilities will randomly target youa lot of trouble to go through unless you're Pablo freaking Escobar lol We are not stupid, it can happen, sure it does happen, but people get hit by cars sometimes.

Should we all avoid roads?

Oh wait, they can track your car's GPS and hack the self-drive too!!! You might as well get rid of all your computers with a built in webcam. You shouldn't use The Internet either. Any device connected to the internetis technically open to attack. The gadget show (Channel 5 UK) did a great special on hacking phones and computers over Wifi not too long ago.


Haven't had a cellphone for a year. But i bought this one about a week ago, cost me 40 bucks. And i haven't even unboxed it yet.

Am i weird?