cfl computer growbox


i have a grow box with 2 intake fans and 1 exhaust fan. Im using 1 85watt cfl which is 4250 lumens. can i just use this bulb to grow 1 blueberry and 1 bubblegum plant throughout veg. and flowering stages?

thanks in advance

KiLLeR RiP 420

Active Member
Not to shure if it would work but one of the green thumb rules are 50 watts per square foot. Hope that helps out a little man.


Active Member
With 85 watts I would recommend just doing 1 plant. As it will greatly increase your plants growth and yield. Also you need Blue Spectrum for Veggin and Red Spectrum for flowering. Unless it can do both spectrums then no it won't be successfull. Also there are many things that you must keep in mind for a good grow. Space, Reflection, Temp, & Nutes. 1 85 watt CFL of both red and blue spectrum could very well grow a decent yielding plant w/ the right accomadations(sp?).