CFL flowering 1.5 weeks- MAD PICS- any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
here the one plant ive got. i forget how long shes been in flower its either 1 or 2 weeks so i figure 1.5 might be right. anyone want to figure out how old the plant is, she was born april 8th.

a whole bunch of CFLs
some heady organic potting soil
just added first nutes, poland spring water w/ a splash of agroflash

thats all there is, help me grow some dank! any comments or suggestions are mad welcome

the last shot is a little tube bowl before bed. just though i would show that off



New Member
They look over watered and your lights should almost be touching. Your plants should almost grow into the lights for them to be close enough .


New Member
Let the soil dry out some and move the light a bit closer.
Also use nutes 1/2 strength until they get used to it.


Well-Known Member
i just watered yesterday and those pics are like 3 days old so they were def under-watered. just yesterday i fed it 2 poland spring bottles with the tiniest bit of algoflash nutes (not really sure what those are jsut found them lyring around the house 2-8-8 or something) Thanks for the tip on CFL proximity lacy, i will fix that later tonight.

from what i can tell this plant must be some kind of hybrid. i had two other plants both of which died but one looked primarily indica and the other sativa, This one always seemed in the middle so im guessing some kind of cross, maybe like maybe 60/40 indica dominant.

look for some pic uploads later today! its been two weeks flowering!

PS- one of my friends left those candy bars in my car after camping. they went straight down into the spacement for munchie consumption!