CFL GROW Orange Spots?


Active Member
Hey guys the only thing that has changed for this plant is the temp its been above 80 for the past 3 days other than that its on st8 water its a autoflower. Its turning the bottom leaves yellow and also getting like rust spots on some of the leaves...any idea what is causing this? IMG_20130507_210852_268.jpgIMG_20130507_210847_060.jpgIMG_20130507_210837_144.jpg


Well-Known Member
looks like nutrient burnt to me, my plants got the same thing on 1 or 2 leafs but they can handle a good feeding, you might want to lower on the nutes or check out if there arent time releasing nutrients in it if you are feeding it straight water.
Also the leaves look a little hot to me, the bottom leaf is curling and they start to look a little like cotton or something like that, my plants only get that if i dont water enough if temps are high so you might want to water more or more frequently.
If none of these are the problem then they might need nutrients tho i doubt that since they wouldnt show the "burn" and only the yellowing.

Hope you find out quick cause they look good!


Active Member
looks like nutrient burnt to me, my plants got the same thing on 1 or 2 leafs but they can handle a good feeding, you might want to lower on the nutes or check out if there arent time releasing nutrients in it if you are feeding it straight water.
Also the leaves look a little hot to me, the bottom leaf is curling and they start to look a little like cotton or something like that, my plants only get that if i dont water enough if temps are high so you might want to water more or more frequently.
If none of these are the problem then they might need nutrients tho i doubt that since they wouldnt show the "burn" and only the yellowing.

Hope you find out quick cause they look good!

  • Thanks bro ye I just raised then light a bit just to see what's up its getting way too hot in there I think 85+ and ye a good watering should help. I noticed it was showing the heat stress since leaves were curling up so IMA water em and try and keep doors open and I got fan on them now instead of just in the closet so we shall see later today how there feeling
    BTW first time indoors. Outdoors is my thing haha.. o and all I have as for nutes is what comes in soil other then that St8 water when I feel dry.​
